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Fordham Acceptance Rate & Admission Requirements in 2023-2024

Apr 1, 2023

If you want to take admitted to Fordham University, you need to be aware of the Fordham admission requirements, which include Fordham acceptance rate, GPA, SAT, and ACT scores. This article is a quick guide to understanding all the crucial requirements for admission into this University.  

Brief Overview Of Fordham University 

The University is home to three campuses: 

  • The urban Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan 
  • The Professional campus in Westchester 
  • The Gothic Rose hill campus is located in the Bronx 

All the programs offered at the university include a challenging curriculum. In addition, the small class size provides the scope of personal access to the professors. Students here get the opportunity of learning in a thoughtful and supportive environment. By offering academic excellence in an incredible location, Fordham University is regarded as the most renowned Jesuit college. 

Fordham Acceptance Rate 

The Fordham acceptance rate is a vital factor that applicants need to consider to get into the college. The university stands at the 40th position in New York for most competitive colleges, with an acceptance rate of 53.5%. Last year 47,936 candidates applied for admission under different programs. Out of these, only 25,180 received the admission offer.  


The school has high academic requirements for getting admission. Generally, students under the top 18% of the standardized test takers are considered fit for admission. Moreover, most freshmen in college are those students who graduate their high school as top students. 

If we analyze the data for Fordham University admissions, we can see that its acceptance rate in 2022 has reduced from 2021. 


The following table demonstrates the shift in Fordham admissions and acceptance rates in 2021 and 2022: 

Year  Total number of applicants Accepted applications Fordham acceptance rate 
2021 46,160 26,925 58.3% 
2022 47,936 25,180 53.5% 
The following table demonstrates the shift in Fordham admissions and acceptance rates in 2023:

Total number of application : 43,633


Accepted applications :  24,546

Fordham acceptance rate :56.3%


Fordham University Admissions Requirements 

Fordham considers the following factors most critical for offering admission to prospective students: 

  • The secondary school record of the applicant 
  • Extracurricular activities 
  • GPA 
  • Volunteering works 
  • Standardized test scores 
  • Work experience 
  • Talent of applicant 
  • Letters of recommendation 
  • Character certificate of the applicant 

Although all the factors mentioned above are crucial to receiving an admission offer from the university, the admission officers are more willing to accept students with high GPAs and convincing letters of recommendation from previous school’s faculty members. Therefore, if you want to improve your chances of selection, you must focus on improving your GPA to impress the admission officers and earn an edge over your competitors. 


Fordham University GPA Requirements 

The average Fordham University GPA requirement is 3.59. This makes the school highly competitive as applicants need to have a high point to secure a seat in their preferred course.  The college primarily accepts students in the B+ group in their high schools. The university ranks 29 in New York for having the highest average GPA requirements for offering admission. Therefore, to enhance your selection chances, you must consider taking challenging AP and IB courses in high school. 

The Following Table Demonstrates Fordham University GPA Requirements and Selection Chances: 

Fordham University GPA Fordham acceptance rate Competitiveness 
Above 3.75 40% Good  
3.50 – 3.75 26% Above average 
3.25 – 3.50 17% Below average 
3.00 – 3.25 13% Reach  
2.75 – 3.00 5% Reach  
2.50 – 2.75 1% Low  

Fordham University ACT Requirements 

An applicant’s ACT score is another important factor that influences the Fordham University admissions data. Last year nearly 39% of the total applicants submitted their ACT scores in their admission application. Previous year admission data indicates that the university accepts applicants with an ACT above 27. In addition, candidates whose composite ACT score is higher than 30 are given top priority when offering admission to desired courses. However, in some instances, the school accepts candidates with ACT as low as 24. 


The average ACT requirement makes Fordham University highly competitive. Generally, the students in the top 13% of the national test takers are considered suitable for admission. The high competitive ACT score requirement ranks the school at 18th position in New York. 

The Following Table Provides Information on ACT Scores and Their Competitiveness for Fordham Admissions: 

ACT score Fordham acceptance rate Competitiveness 
Above 32 Above 68% Good  
29 – 32 53 – 68% Above average 
27 – 29 42 – 53% Below average 
25 – 27 33 – 42% Reach  
Below 25 Below 33% Low  

Fordham SAT scores requirement 

The university considers an applicant’s SAT score one of the most crucial factors for offering a seat. Last year around 71% of the total applicants submitted their SAT scores with the admission application. Generally, the school wants applicants in the top 20% of the SAT test-takers.  

According to last year’s admission data, the average Fordham SAT score is estimated to be 1230 on a scale of 1600. Candidates who score lower than the university’s average SAT have a tough time securing a seat.  

Fordham ranks 16 in New York for considering the highest SAT score during admission. However, in certain instances, the school has accepted students with an SAT score of 1140. 

The Following Table Demonstrates the Applicant’s Chances of Admission According to Fordham SAT Scores: 

SAT score Fordham acceptance rate Competitiveness 
Above 1410 Above 66% Good  
1320 – 1410 53 – 66% Above average 
1230 – 1320 40 – 53% Below average 
1140 – 1230 28 – 40% Reach  
Below 1140 Below 28% Low  

Steps to Enhance your Chances of Selection to Fordham University 

  • Aim at Achieving a GPA Higher than 3.59:

Your GPA is the most crucial factor for getting into the school. The university receives more than 45,000 applications every year. To stand out among your peers, it is important to grasp admission officers’ attention. With a high GPA, you can easily meet your target. 

Students in the early years of high school need to take challenging courses available to them to score a high GPA. However, students who have less time to raise their GPA can consider improving their test scores to compensate for the low GPA. 

  • Draft a Strong Essay:

Generally, most applicants at Fordham have good grades. Therefore, essays are considered a deciding factor for securing a seat. You can demonstrate your finest qualities and distinguish yourself from your competitors. The university requires its applicants to complete the essay and write a short answer to the prompt for challenges faced during making a positive impact on the community. 

Although the short answer is optional, you must craft its response to prove your compatibility with the school. In addition, admission authorities want to know how you can add value to the campus. Essays provide a great platform to showcase your authenticity and how the school can benefit from your presence. 

  • Provide Great Recommendations to Prove your Value:

You need to submit at least a letter of recommendation from your previous school’s faculty or counselor. The recommendation should primarily focus on your academic excellence, but it should also discuss your qualitative aspects.  

  • Get involved in Extracurricular Activities:

Fordham gives great consideration to applicants who provide proof of their excellence outside the classroom. These involve volunteering work, talent, character, and creative work experiences; all are crucial factors for offering admission to prospective students.  

All the activities are not equal qualitatively; for example, a candidate who ‘organized’ a movement for female security will be given extra consideration than a candidate who ‘participated’ in the movement. Therefore, applicants must focus on improving the quality of their extracurricular activities to earn a seat at the university. 

  • Improve your Standardized Test Scores:

Having a high ACT and SAT scores is also crucial for receiving an admission offer from Fordham University. Although they are not as important as GPA, nearly 40% of the applicants submit ACT, and 70% submit their SAT scores to get into the school. Moreover, candidates with a low GPA can grasp admission officers’ attention with good standardized test scores. 

The following table demonstrates the shift in Fordham admissions and acceptance rates in 2024:
Fordham acceptance rate :41%

Early Decision And Early Action Application 

Fordham University follows three admission methods which are : 

  • Early Action or EA 
  • Early Decision or ED 
  • Regular Decision or RD 

Candidates who apply through ED have a better chance of getting accepted for their preferred course. However, ED has its drawbacks. If an applicant gets accepted through ED, he must take admitted to the school. Therefore, it is suitable for only those students who are sure about getting their degree from Fordham University. 

Although getting admission into Fordham University is pretty challenging because of huge competition and high score requirements, candidates can successfully secure a seat by crafting a robust application. In addition, you must consider contacting admission officers to know about the admission process and to understand campus life. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What GPA from college do you take into account for transfer applicants? 

Successful transfer candidates have a track record of academic achievement in a college program me at another school. Our suggested minimum college GPA criterion is 3.0 or higher, and Fordham students who are accepted have an average undergraduate GPA of 3.5. About half of transfer applications are accepted. Fordham has a thorough admissions assessment process that takes into account every element of an applicant’s past. 

2. Who’s in the Class of 2023? 

What makes Fordham unique are the students that attend. Our pupils are from all around the nation and the globe. They also have a diverse range of racial and ethnic origins. They all, however, have the aspiration to forge a better future. As a Jesuit university, we warmly welcome believers of all religions, as well as those who are unsure about their religious affiliation. 

3. What is the application process like at Fordham University? 

It’s difficult to get into Fordham University. Fordham received 46,160 applications for the Class of 2021, but only 26,925 received admissions offers, for a 58% acceptance rate overall. Fordham has a low acceptance rate, but the calibre of your application for fall 2021 will determine if you get admitted. 

fordham acceptance rate


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