The most exhausting aspect of the PSAT is not taking tests but waiting for your results. Please don’t wait for six to eight weeks for your PSAT results! Is it possible to obtain early scores on PSAT well before the official release?
Let us know when PSAT results are normally released. This article discusses how to get an early PSAT score and mentions some pointers on what you could do while waiting for your results.
One of the frequently asked questions: When Are PSAT Scores Commonly released?
ns from students is, how to get early PSAT scores? PSAT scores are normally available to test takers online in early December, six to eight weeks following the exam (which happens every year in October/November). The specific date on which students receive their results is determined by the location of the United States wherein they took the test.
How to Get an Early PSAT Scores?
If you are thinking about how to get a PSAT score early, know that PSAT scores are typically released in December, but is it possible to get a PSAT score early? The answer is no; it’s not possible. Because all PSAT scores are issued simultaneously (within a day or two), no test taker can get a PSAT score early before the official score announcement time.
In previous years, few students claimed to have seen early PSAT scores owing to a fault on the College Board website, but these issues (if they ever existed) have all been resolved and are not expected to rise again.
Furthermore, some websites promise to be able to send you early PSAT scores. They generally promise that you’ll be able to view your PSAT scores on the first official day of publication. The specifics of how this works are unclear, but it involves using a server in a state where early PSAT scores have already been disclosed.
Even if this works, is it wise to get a score one or two days ahead of schedule on the PSAT? We believe it is not. Finally, your guidance counselor and school will receive your PSAT scores a week before you, but this does not imply that you can request that they reveal your results!
Waiting to Get a Early PSAT Score? 5 Things to Do in the Meanwhile
Find out when the early PSAT scores will be announced:
PSAT scores are normally announced during three days in early December, with exact announcement dates differing from the states that took the exam. You can keep a check on the college web page while waiting for your PSAT scores to know about the release date and confirm when your region’s results will be revealed.
For instance, students who appeared in the 2021 PSAT in New England had received results on the first, compared to those who gave in the South. After evaluating the score release cycle, add a mark on the calendar to remind you when to take your PSAT score e-report.
Check Whether you have Access to the College Board Account:
Nobody wouldn’t want to be in a hurry to recall their College Board account password when your PSAT results are declared, so be prepared with your password to access your account without difficulty in advance. You are suggested to either log in to your account in advance or jot it down, particularly if you’re subject to forget it!
Begin Preparing for the SAT:
Though the PSAT is completed, you’re not out of the bushes yet—if you’re a junior, you should give your first SAT in the fall. In this way, if you wish to give another attempt in summer or spring for the SAT before your senior year, you’ll get plenty of test dates to choose from it.
It may appear frightening to have so many standardized exams simultaneously but keep this clear that PSAT is virtually the same as SAT—just somewhat smaller and simpler. Simply put, you won’t have to adjust your prep techniques significantly (if at all).
If you are a Junior, Check the National Merit Score Rankings:
You want to achieve a high PSAT score in the ninth or tenth grade to qualify for National Merit. In that case, it’s time to figure out what Preference Index score you’ll need to be qualified for this prestigious scholarship competition. The Preference Index score is calculated on a scale between 48-228 and is predicated on the total PSAT score (which usually scales between 320-1520).
Only the top 1% of test-takers (juniors only—sophomores are ineligible), or approximately 16,000 students, are the National Merit Semifinalists. The latter are eligible to become Finalists of this competition and win the scholarship money. Meanwhile, the top 3–4% of students are designated as Honored Students.
The Preference Index required to hold the position of National Merit Semifinalist changes year to year. Some states have eligibility scores of 212 (e.g., Wyoming and North Dakota), and others have 223 (e.g., California). Here’s a look at last year’s qualifying scores and forecasts for this year.
If you believe that you can qualify as per the Preference Index score, don’t be sure unless you receive notification officially from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation; such messages are normally mailed out in September of your senior year.
Even if Scores Are Postponed, Take a Deep Breath and Stay Calm:
If due to any reason the PSAT scores are postponed, for instance, there can be a technical difficulty which the College Board might be encountering, so here it’s important to stay calm and keep looking. Any postponement in publishing PSAT early scores will not affect your selection for National Merit or any other scholarships needing PSAT scores. So, don’t worry, and wait while the College Board works to get them out!
What is a Good PSAT Score?
What constitutes a good PSAT score? PSAT scoring can be quite complicated. But, it’s easier to understand! Under the Reading, Writing, Language, and Math sections, the scores range between 8 to 38, and under Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math, the scores range between 160 to 760.
Overall PSAT score is derived by adding the two scores obtained in both the areas, which will range between 320 to 1520. So, it would help if you prepared accordingly for the PSAT exam to obtain marks in the upper range to get to a good college.
In addition to your total score, you will receive subscores that provide a more detailed breakdown of your PSAT performance. The PSAT also gives you percentile-based ranks, allowing everyone to compare their results to other high school juniors who appeared in the exam.
3 Reasons Your PSAT Score Is Essential
- The National Merit Scholarship Corporation uses PSAT scores to decide which test-takers will advance as semifinalists to the National Merit Scholarship Program. You’ll be participating against students from your state, and if you succeed, you’ll receive a $2,500 cash prize.
- The PSAT is an excellent approach to become familiar with the SAT’s content, format, and test-taking procedures and get a feel of how you’ll perform on the main examination. Regardless of your grades in relevant subjects, your PSAT score can suggest which SAT content areas you may not be relatively strong in.
- Academic stress, as well as a general curiosity for unfamiliar areas, can lower your SAT score. Meanwhile, if you have already performed well in the PSAT test, this will boost your confidence, becoming a significant advantage when appearing for the SAT.
Do Colleges Consider the PSAT Score in Admission Choices?
No, universities and colleges do not use the PSAT scores to determine admissions choices, and your PSAT score will have no bearing on your possibilities of admission. The PSAT results help decide whether or not you are eligible for National Merit Scholarships and some private scholarships. Your PSAT performance allows you to direct your focus on the SAT study schedule. Colleges in their recruitment efforts use PSAT results.
Always consider that the PSAT isn’t used for college applications, but excellent scores can help you get scholarship money, such as the National Merit Scholarship. Furthermore, PSAT scores are an excellent predictor of SAT performance, critical for college applications and scholarships.

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