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Argumentative Essay Examples: Types And Tips

Apr 5, 2023

Want to put your opinions forward? Then you need more than just an opinion to get your voice heard! Argumentative essays are one of the most effective forms of essays you’ll write during your time as a student. To give a crisp and clear picture of what it entails, you can say that it is a combination of persuasive arguments backed by fact-based research. Even the strongest arguments must be well-structured and supported by solid logic and reasoning. That’s why we have come up with some argumentative essay examples.

When done properly, argumentative essays can be a powerful tool to convince others of your point of view. So if you are stressed about writing an argumentative essay or just want to hone your skills and learn more about them, seeing sample argumentative essays and analyzing argumentative essay examples can be of big help. 


In this blog, we will give you an overview of argumentative essay examples that will help you get a better grasp of the subject matter. We will also take you through some crucial steps and points you should keep in mind to produce an excellent body of work. So let’s begin! 

What is an Argumentative Essay? 

An Argumentative essay is a genre of writing that takes a strong stance on any given issue. A good argumentative essay uses evidence and facts to support the claim it’s making apart from the writer’s thoughts and opinions to make strong reasoning. For example, you wanted to write an argumentative essay testifying that New York is a great destination to with your group of friends for a trip. 


You couldn’t just simply state that it’s a great destination because you and your friends enjoyed it. When presenting your case in an argumentative essay, you need facts and data to support your argument, such as the number of tourist attractions in and around New York City, great places to wine and dine for a group of youngsters, a survey of people who have stayed in New York and why they enjoy the city.

Here you can see that the first argument is based on your personal feelings, whereas the second argument is based on facts and evidence that can be proven, which is our ultimate goal to convince everyone of the argument we are presenting before them.  


Therefore, the main goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to agree with the argument being made which is backed by providing evidence, facts, and statistics. Keeping this in mind, you should present your central idea or thesis statement. Because from this moment forward it will be the point of focus of everything else that follows from there. 

How to Structure Your Argumentative Essays: 

There are mainly three main ways to structure your argumentative essay. The standard five-paragraph format is common amongst writers but is not necessarily required, for argumentative essays. These essays typically follow one of the three formats: The Classical model, the Toulmin model, or the Rogerian model. You can choose to use any of the following to write a persuasive and compelling paper.  

  • The Classical Model:  

This is the most popular strategy for making your argument because it follows a very simple line of thought. Also called Aristotelian, here you present the main argument, state your opinion, and do your best to convince the reader why your stance is the right one. Because it outlines all the facts, concisely and thoroughly, this type of argument works best when your audience does not have a lot of statistics and information or has a strong conviction about the given topic.  

  • The Toulmin Model: 

This is the most commonly used approach because it is heavily backed by facts that are most difficult to refute. Here you begin with an introduction, follow it up with a thesis/claim, present grounds to back up that claim, and then give data and evidence to justify and support that claim. The writing style of this essay also includes refutations or rebuttals of arguments made. However, this type of argument generally presents mostly one side of the topic hinging predominantly on the facts presented in such a way that makes the claim difficult to argue with. 

  • The Rogerian Model: 

The third model scrutinizes both sides of an argument and concludes after evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each side. Here the writer presents the problem, acknowledges the opposing side of the argument, states his/her point of view, and explains why his/her argument is the most beneficial to you as the reader. You can adopt this strategy when writing about a polarizing topic as it acknowledges the pros and cons of both sides and presents a middle ground.  

3 Good Free Argumentative Essay Examples to Guide You  

Sample Argumentative Essay 1: 

Essay on the Effects of Smoking  


More and more countries and cities around the world are banning smoking, in public places. According to numerous medical studies, smoking not only causes innumerable health problems for a person but also for every single non-smoker close by. Even though people carry on debating the pros and cons of smoking, the reality is that a ban is the most fitting and logical decision in the case of smoking in public areas.

Even though there are some arguments on both sides, here are the solid reasons why the smoking ban is essential. First of all, smoking, even outside, can cause many health problems, such as bronchial infections and asthmatic attacks even in non-smokers.


This point is predominantly crucial for nearly one million people in the US who suffer from chronic sinusitis, asthma, bronchial infections, and additional conditions that have something to do with breathing. Smoking harms our environment. That’s a fact. In addition to the point that smoking is harmful to you and your family members, it damages our ecosystem with all of its populaces.  

All the plastic filters, cigarette butts, and other elements of smoked cigarettes are most likely to pollute waterways, soil, and beaches. The most recent lab studies demonstrate that such toxic compounds of cigarettes as pesticide residues and nicotine are harmful to fish and other microorganisms. In addition to some outward damage being done by smoking, it is imperative to mention the cost of this dubious pleasure. The fact is that smoking is like a fiscal trap for every individual addicted to nicotine.  

As reported by the CDC, the financial burden that smoking places on individuals keeps on rising, with approximately $193 billion spent yearly in the US. One of the vital things that many young women are anxious about is aging. And this is the case where smoking and its side effects should be mentioned as well. The reality is that one of the most substantial causes of premature aging is nicotine & smoking.

People who smoke regularly are more likely to face early skin vagaries. As stated by the scientists of the American Academy of Dermatology, regular smoking causes a variety of biochemical changes that push the course of aging. For example, if you’re a regular smoker, you contribute to depriving the living skin tissue of valuable oxygen.

As a consequence, blood can’t reach your organs quickly and easily. In conclusion, it is clear from the whole shebang discussed above that smoking should be branded illegal in all public places all over the globe. As an effect, this would advance the state of the environment & the health of each person, and that is more than enough. 

Sample Argumentative Essay 2: 

The Legalization of Gambling  

According to Korn & Shaffer, Gambling means jeopardizing something that is of value on an outcome of an event when the likelihood of winning is less than assured. There is proof that it existed during Ancient times; although under the rule of Caesar, the Romans took part in it; in our day and age, we are encircled by it. Gambling has become a familiar truth in our society.

Playing the weekly lottery, betting on horses at the track, and daubing one’s bingo card at the community hall are just a few of the many practices of gambling. Although it is considered to be a harmless hobby to some people, it is an addiction to others.

Despite the studies that specify that gambling can have negative effects on the family, health, the law, and enforcement system, it is the attractive income that gambling provides to governments, the inflow of tourism it can bring to a city, or the concept of the state taking control away from the underworld that helps to divulge that the benefits of the legalization of gambling are much greater than the costs.  

The most evident argument as to why the legalization of gambling has been so widespread is the enormous revenue it generates for governments. With an enterprise that sums up over fifty billion a year, many governments view gambling as a smart way of bringing in money. In a study by Vaillancourt and Roy, the authors stated that the ban on gambling would result in a tax increase between ten and fifteen percent to replace gambling revenues.

Given the statistic that 82% of households took part in some form of gambling, taking this activity away followed by increasing taxes would not reverberate well with the public. Such a high proportion of people gambling illustrates how the attractiveness of legalized gambling can entice people to cities, therefore giving a boost to the city’s tourism industry, one more sector that welcomes this source of revenue.  

Cities, where gambling is permitted, are considered to be great tourist attractions. When a casino opens, an influx of money enters the economy because of the increased number of tourists. Las Vegas is a testimony to how tourists’ dollars are capable of transforming a barren desert into a highly desired and preferred destination.

This increase in the number of tourists results in an upsurge in spending in the community, thus providing opportunities for employment and a boost to the hospitality sector. One of the motives why many people have become keen to try to gamble is because the majority of people no longer see the act as a sinful and dirty vice conjured up by the corrupt underworld.

The legalization of gambling has permitted the state to take control away from the criminal underworld. This has weakened the influence of swindlers, forgers, and thieves, all of whom use gambling as an arena for their work. Although placing bets illegally through bookkeepers continues to exist, it is essential to realize that earlier to its legalization, those in control of gambling entirely controlled the underworld.  

While it gives the impression that the legalization of gambling has delivered society with positive results, one must also identify the negative effects that it has had on the family, health sector, and law and enforcement. When scrutinizing the cost-benefit effects of the legalization of gambling, one should also study the family.

One problematic issue is that gambling has provided everyone with an opportunity to take part in an act that can destroy people’s lives and the lives of those closest to them. There is proof that gambling can have negative effects on one’s life, all of which can take a toll on family and community life.

An analysis of the Florida lottery revealed that a greater portion of the revenue made through the lottery came from low-income families who bought lottery tickets in place of utilities. The increasing attraction between children and gambling has resulted in several studies. 

Researchers have discovered that adolescents who get involved in gambling have a higher rate of school failure, family struggle, sexual activity, psychiatric disorders, and felonies. Given the problems in this area, parents and schools should take on greater responsibility for enlightening children about the potential dangers of gambling. It is important to recognize the association between gambling and numerous negative behaviors.

Studies have confirmed that alcoholism and depression are related, and it has also been discovered that approximately forty-four percent of pathological gamblers are problem drinkers as well. Some studies similarly put forward the theory that spouses of compulsive gamblers also have a high rate of mental diseases like depression and psychosomatic ailments.

In a country such as Canada, where there is universal healthcare, researchers argue that all of these negative effects of gambling place stress on the health sector. Just as it has been the government’s choice to legalize gambling, it has become the government’s obligation to develop and fund treatment programs for illnesses caused by gambling.  

Acknowledging that pathological gamblers do need support from the health system, it is important to identify that only a minority of gamblers have problems. Therefore, the argument of those opposing the legalization of gambling on the justification that it takes its toll on our healthcare system does not carry much weight, because it has been seen that the strain on the health sector is nominal.

The law and enforcement system is another area of apprehension for adversaries of the legalization of gambling. This is because many people who have become in debt due to gambling route to committing crimes to rectify their financial situation. This in turn brings the police into the balance, followed by a judicial system where there would be a trial. Once again, this argument is not a robust one, as the ratio of people who gamble to the point where they are forced to commit crimes is very small.

Legalized gambling has provided governments with a great source of revenue, it has also facilitated offering a tourist attraction to many cities, and it has delivered a safer environment for people who relish gambling. However we cannot dismiss the impending dangers of gambling; nevertheless, one must always accept the responsibility for their actions.

Family members, school systems, and any business profiting from the gambling industry should do their share in helping to safeguard that gambling is regarded as a stimulating social outing, a delightful activity, or in the case of the purchaser of a weekly one-dollar lottery ticket, an enjoyable hobby. 

Sample Argumentative Essay 3:  

Is Human cloning ethical and should it be allowed? 

Discovery and invention have been the nearest confidantes of man in the journey of civilization and making history. This journey took a divisive turn when it was discovered that clones of an individual could be created in a lab. All of this started when Dolly the sheep was created as an experiment.

On the one hand, it opened a doorway for cutting-edge discoveries and inventions, but at the same time, it also distressed many religious communities across the world. Even today, it is a burning topic of discussion whether it is ethical to allow clones of different organisms or not.  

In the United States of America, the movement to ban human cloning is intensely endorsed by the leader of the research team that cloned the sheep “Dolly.” However, he alleged that his technique of creating human embryos for research purposes that aren’t implanted could not be represented ethically.

This method can be very helpful for infertile couples to have children of their own, by removing birth defects, extending life, organ transplant, and many medical conditions. Although cloning of organisms can help us in various ways that we know and do not of. If soon, human cloning is acceptable, it can open a new chapter of sweeping chaos that may threaten human civilization.

Many curious minds and people with illegitimate intentions may take this wonderful invention of science to a level where unethical, inhumane, and morally unforgivable crimes can be committed incontestably. 

 It can be explicitly stated this way that a human clone, when fully grown, will be identified as the rest of us humans. The dilemma comes in here because it will feel and respond just like any other human, and will hold all the rights available to another human which do not permit a person to be a subject of experimentation deprived of their choice.

Things may work out comparatively well if research organizations are allowed to use the technique of cloning on a restricted and supervised level. However, permitting such experiments requires extensive care and monitoring, which is a complicated yet delicate task. Moreover, even if it is allowed, it has serious drawbacks as well. Even a little blunder in this field can lead to atrocious consequences of gigantic proportions.  

For instance, on the occasion of an organ transplant, the body may reject the cloned tissues or worse it may not even respond to the new treatment. Human nature is the collection of immeasurable positive and negative energies, and there is always a continuous battle between both.

Negative energies are always prepared to consume the positive ones to take charge of the personality and entice an individual to do dissolute acts. Because of this precise reason, humans created laws and rules to establish a controlled and organized environment. This is the reason why mankind became more and more civilized over time.  

Now, virtually the entire population of Earth holds on to some moral, ethical, traditional, and religious values. So, the government, scientists, and the public are left with no choice but to veto the cloning of humans because there is a high chance that a group of people may take advantage and do inexcusable dissolute acts. Human cloning has boundless advantages as well as disadvantages. If we are to be certain whether human cloning should be allowed or not, both sides have solid and valid reasons.

Observably, it cannot be endorsed to immorally use this technique, and on the other hand, it has immeasurable phenomenal advantages in the field of medicine which cannot be ignored. Together the scientists, the government, and the community need to come up with a solution, that can allow this technique of cloning to be used in a way that is ethically appropriate and medically supportive.  

Top Tips for Writing a Good Argumentative Essay:  

Now that you’ve seen examples of what good argumentative essay examples entail, you can additionally keep the following tips in mind when curating your essay. 

  • Make Your Thesis Crystal Clear by ensuring that your thesis statement is easy to find and readers can understand it easily by making precise arguments and taking a clear stand.  
  • Show why the other side’s argument is weak by making strong valid points backed by facts and evidence. This is a crucial point not to be ignored.  
  • Make facts, statistics, and data the backbone of your argument. This will not only give your argumentative essay strong support but will also help you convince your readers easily. 


In conclusion, we can say that argumentative essays are convincing essays that take the aid of facts and evidence to sustain their side of the argument. Most argumentative essay examples follow either the Classical model, the Toulmin model, or the Rogerian model.

Therefore, by understanding and analyzing good argumentative essay examples, you too can acquire skills on how to improve your essay and provide enough support to make readers agree with your own opinion. Just remember, when writing your essay, summon up ways to make your thesis clear, demonstrate where the other side is weak and lacking in argument, and most importantly back up your opinion with data and evidence. 

argumentative essay examples


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