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SAT Fee Waiver: Details & Eligibility Criteria

Apr 25, 2023

What is SAT?

The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), also known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), is administered by the College Board, a non-profit organisation with its headquarters in New York. It was founded in December 1899. The SAT is a written, verbal, and mathematical skills test that is administered using a pencil and paper.

What Does the SAT Fee Waiver Include?

The regular SAT exam with subject tests costs $52, whereas the SAT with an essay costs $68. If you register after the deadline, the penalty price is $30, and the waitlist fee is $53. The SAT tests have various costs for each heading if a fee waiver is not applied. This is the price for the SATs according to the standards established by the College Board:


Base Charges:

  • SAT – $52
  • SAT with essay component: $68

Other Charges that may Apply:

  • $30 for late registration
  • $53 for a waitlist fee

Who is Eligible for SAT Fee Waiver

Only students in the 11th and 12th grades who need financial assistance are eligible for a Fee Waivers SAT. An SAT Fee Waiver is also available to domestic students studying in the US or US territories, and US nationals residing abroad.

To Qualify for a Fee Waiver, a Candidate must Meet the Following Criteria Regarding Income:

  • Whether a candidate is a participant in the federal National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
  • If the applicant’s entire yearly family income is below the USDA’s minimum and maximum guidelines for food and nutrition.
  • Suppose the applicant participates in a national, state, or local programme designed to assist students from low-income families. For instance, TRIO programmes are an example. 
  • The applicant’s family qualifies for financial help or public assistance due to their low income.
  • If the applicant is houseless, lives in public housing funded by the federal government, or is a foster child.
  • If the candidate is an orphan or in a state-designated ward, he/she is eligible for the SAT Fee Waiver.
  • According to the family’s most recent income tax statement, the number of household members should equal the number of people living there, including the filer. In foster care, a student is considered the size of a single-person family.

What Exactly is the Process for Getting an SAT Fee Waiver

It is not very difficult to apply for waivers. The College Board provides fee waivers to the guidance counsellors at the neighbourhood high schools. As the high school counsellor is always the first to learn about your price exemptions, they ask that you stay in touch with them via email or in person.


Asking them about your eligibility can be an excellent place to start. A form will then be given to you, which you must complete and return later. For access to the Fee Waiver SAT, homeschooled students must contact their neighbourhood high school counsellor. To submit the waiver, you must be ready with all the listed documentation. Also, one should keep in mind that the fee waiver codes for SAT 2021 are different from the codes that are in 2022.

How Do I Register for the SAT Fee Waiver? 

  • Your College Board account ought to already display your benefits from the fee waiver if you take the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT on a school day.
  • When you register for the SAT, you must include the 12-digit SAT fee waiver code if your counsellor has granted you a fee waiver.
  • You will be able to access all the perks immediately after completing your registration and viewing your complete set of fee waiver benefits online.
  • This Sat fee waiver code needs to be entered just once. You can input your SAT fee waiver code 2022 upon score release to get these benefits even if you don’t enter a code for a cost waiver when registering.
  • Keep in mind that you only need to confirm your fee waiver once with your counsellor in order to remain eligible for the full range of advantages as long as you are in high school.
  • Through this SAT fee waiver code 2022, your registration is made easy.

Benefits of the SAT Fee Waiver

  • Almost eight test score reports will be forwarded to the colleges and universities of your choice.
  • Some universities that provide this service allow students to ask for a college application fee waiver.
  • Free CSS profile application for colleges and partnering schools to apply for financial assistance.
  • Colleges waive fees in exchange for test score verification.
  • The fee waiver involves no late registration fees if you are in the US or one of its territories.
  • Your new fee waivers will be refunded to you for future usage if there are any changes or cancellation costs.


SAT price exemptions can significantly reduce the cost of taking the SAT, notifying universities of your score, and completing your college applications. Before registering, be careful to find out if you are eligible, and make sure you are prepared by speaking with your counselor.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What documentation coverage do I need to provide to receive an SAT Fee Waiver?

  • Your tax returns, which are used to calculate your income
  • A certification states that you are registered with or qualified to participate in the federal National School Lunch Program (NSLP).
  • You must provide documentation if your family’s income is below the USDA’s food and nutrition service range
  • A certificate proving enrollment in a federal, state or local program is intended to help youngsters from low-income families. Such as TRIO programs.
  • A confirmation letter from the government stating your family is eligible for financial aid or public assistance.
  • Proof of your financial situation if you are homeless, reside in public housing funded by the federal government, or are a foster child.
  • An official document stating that you are an orphan or ward of the state.

2. How can I pick the best SAT Fee Waiver provider for me?

 A non-profit organization with its headquarters in New York called the College Board waives the SAT fee. It functions in unison. There isn’t a list of alternate SAT Fee Waiver providers.

3. Can I use a previous SAT fee waiver again, or do I need to apply for a new one?

There is a single usage limit for charge waivers. From your school counselor, you would need to obtain a new one.

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SAT Fee Waiver


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