Why choose Turito for SAT?
Learn only from SAT experts
Master effective strategies to ace the test
Clear concepts via application-based learning
Get an immersive learning experience
We raise scores, yours is next!
Efficient time management
Maximize your score in minimum time-frame by mastering tips on answering questions the smart way. Our experts teach multiple ways to solve 1 problem so that students do not get stuck in a loop.
Engaging classrooms makes learning effective
A mix of 2-way interactions & discussions, our live small group classes ensure undivided attention & personalized learning – catering to students’ needs. Students can freely clarify their doubts & strengthen their subject understanding.
Coherent strategies that work
Bypass rote learning & grasp effective strategies from our experts to ace SAT. An accurate approach will rank you among the top achievers. Learn short-cuts, elimination techniques & problem-solving skills to ace the test.
Practice makes you perfect
Daily classwork becomes more effective with regular concept assessments. Get ready for the real drill with daily practice papers, work-at-leisure assignments, full-length grand tests & concept-based tests.
Discover Your Learning Level in just 20 mins
Select a subject or test and Take our FREE tests to identify your strengths and weaknesses, set goals for your learning, and track your progress over time.

Simple, transparent pricing
We recommend 2 classes per week. Each class is an upto 55 min live online class with a dedicated teacher.
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