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Reinvigorate Your Study: Effective Study Break Tips

Study Break Tips To Reinvigorate Your Effective Study

Reinvigorate Your Study: Effective Study Break Tips

Study sessions, especially during exam time, have always been stressful times. Preparing for examinations, be it board exams or competitive exams, students require a fresh and healthy mind. It requires time and effort from a student. With all the hard work that students show, it is vital to have an effective plan to take a proper study break. It will help refresh students’ minds during their studies. Thus, to keep your productivity levels high, we have brought you several effective study break tips to help you decide how to study continuously. 

Study break tips help while studying for exams, to refresh your mind for productive results. So, knowing how to refresh your mind during studies and what you do in those breaks helps get an effective and positive studying experience. 

How to Refresh Mind during Studies? 

Staying ahead of your study preparation requires some sort of strategy; a study break is one of them. These study break tips with effective study tips, help you stay productive and competitive. These breaks are also important to keep you away from burnout and create a balanced lifestyle.  

There are numerous advantages of taking a study break ranging from physical, mental, and emotional improvements to keep you get the most of your studies. 

Though study breaks are demonstrated to increase productivity, they must be responsibly taken to derive the most benefits. 

Effective and Productive Study Break Tips 

Take Short Breaks Regularly 

You don’t need to study all the time. Taking 15-minute breaks in every 50 to 90 minutes of studying will help relax and revitalize your mind. Indeed, studies indicate that short breaks during study help improve productivity, concentration, energy, and creativity while reviving brain function.  

You should set a timer for breaks, so you will not get away from your track of time during breaks and get back to studying as scheduled. So, the device is an effective study break tip to get the most of your studies. 

Go Outside for a Walk 

Going outside for some fresh air will improve your energy levels. You might feel tired from studying continuously. But spending some time outdoors and taking a walk can help perk you up again. It’s better to walk in places with greenery around you, like a park, instead of open areas.  

Going outside for a walk is vital because moving your body helps improve blood flow, re-energizes you and makes your study productive. Spend the time that you would on social media, walking outside. 

Have a Snack 

Healthy minds make exam preparation healthy and worthy. Having the right kind of snacks can help you boost your energy levels while studying. For example, almonds, milk, chocolate, popcorn, etc., are all good snack choices. They will help improve your concentration, boost your ability to focus and make you more productive.  

Staying hydrated during study time will also improve concentration. You might be tempted to eat junk food, but junk foods make your stomach feel full temporarily, and after a few hours you’re hungry again. So, it’s better to keep drinking water and have good snacks. 

Keep Changing Up Your Study Location 

Sitting in the same location for an hour may make you feel weary and bushed after a while. Your brain will not store any extra memory cues because they will be the same cues as before. Conversely, if you change your study location, your brain will become more apt to recall and retain information thanks to fresh memory cues.  

So, if you plan for fruitful study, it’s important to always change your study places. But remember your study locations must be away from places and things that distract you easily. 

Utilize Your Study Break

Many students grapple with a common question when it comes to effectively utilizing study break – “What should I do during my study break?” To avoid study pressure and use a study break efficiently, you can do many activities.  

These include cleaning up your space, making a study playlist, watching TV, taking a power nap, getting a coffee, etc. Trying such different activities will help fresh up your brain. When you sit again to study, you will feel energized and excited. 

 Talk to Friends 

Spending some time talking to friends can be a great source of support during exam time. They can distract you from studying for a while that is crucial in reducing your stress levels. Talk to your friends regarding other things instead of asking for study suggestions. 

It may confuse you and leave you disorganized in the end. So, it’s better to talk to them about things that make you happy and support those friends who support you. Friends form a huge emotional support system during these times. 


Exercise helps fuel the body and mind. Exercise is proven to perk up your mood by releasing endorphins – chemicals generated by the body to relieve stress and pain. Regular exercise can have a profound impact on reducing depression, anxiety, and stress. 

It helps protect memory loss and boost up confidence, as well as improving sleep. In fact, hitting the gym or performing yoga can make a real difference. Meditation is an amazing way to get your mind refreshed while studying. 

Make a Short Trip to Do a Specific Chore 

This might sound irrelevant to you, but many students find themselves stuck between their studies and their to-do list. However, running a quick errand or making a short trip to do a specific chore will give you a break, at the same time, help you knock something off your to-do list.  

It will also improve your sense of productivity, especially during study time. Continuously studying will just make you dull and you might even end up losing interest.  

Have a Healthy Meal 

When it comes to improving your study productivity, it becomes essential to have a healthy meal. It will help boost your memory capacity and help you understand new information. Staying healthy will endorse academic performance and enable you to reach your educational goals.  

Hence, an overall healthy diet is most imperative for keeping your body and brain nourished and helps you prepare to take on difficult tasks. An unhealthy practice that students often end up doing is studying continuously without eating. 

Take a Power Nap 

Researches show that taking a power nap, a minimum of 30-45 minutes, can help boost your memory five times. Indeed, the Sleep Foundation in the U.S. suggests that we should aim for a 20-30 minutes nap.  

The foundation advises that this type of power nap can significantly improve alertness and performance without leaving you too tired or interfering with your night-time sleep. Power naps have proven effects on concentration. You would be surprised to know but power napping is a culture in Japan.  

Read Motivational Quotes 

While preparing for exams a source of constant motivation is a must. Taking study breaks and utilizing them in a better manner is very crucial. Reading motivational quotes can be the best way to use your breaks and get some motivation and confidence throughout the study sessions.  

Motivational quotes or books help improve your self-belief ability and cultivate a success mindset. They will also help conquer procrastination and increase your perseverance skill. You can also listen to previous year’s toppers’ interviews for motivation. 

Make and Turn to Your Music Playlist 

Listening to music is a powerful way to reduce stress and relieve study pressure. Music also increases focus. Some students prefer listening to music while studying. Mostly instrumental music is preferred while studying. 

It is important to tune to your favorite beats and listen to your favorite artists. Classical music can also help improve brain activity and fuel your concentration power. So, take a break, grab your headphones, make a playlist, close your eyes and feel the magic of music.  


Studying can be a subjective experience, and it is different for every student. Everyone finds their own set-up to be most productive while studying. However, it is essential to take a study break to an effective study to refresh and re-energize your body and mind and finally become more productive in both the short- and long-term. 

It’s high time for students to practice long sitting hours while studying, to learn the power of effective study break. It will only increase their productivity. And students who study in between their breaks manage their breaks productively for positive results. 

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