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Tips to Increase Concentration Power While Studying

tips to increase concentration while studying

Tips to Increase Concentration Power While Studying

Looking for tips on how to focus and increase concentration on studies? Read this post to know the tips to increase concentration & improve memory-power to ace your exams.

Concentrationis essential whether it’s studies, games, or a job. When you have razor-sharp attention, you can excel in whatever you do. But do all of us possess it? We sit fully prepared to read something, but after few minutes, we lose interest. The mind keeps on oscillating with one or more thoughts, and we leave something and jump onto something else. This happens to most of us, right? 

Concentration is critical while preparing for examinations. You would be familiar with the story of Arjuna’s concentration power in the epic Mahabharat. When the rest of his brothers saw trees, leaves, branches, Arjuna saw only the bird’s eye and hit it with his arrow. That was the level of his concentration. If you can retain attention for a long time, it can do wonders. It is not a gift or boon that people are born with.  

Anyone can improve their concentration skills by regular practice and determination. If you have total focus without any deviation, you can finish off things quickly without committing any errors. That is the power of concentration. Let us learn effective tips on how to focus on studies and how to improve memory and concentration.  

Why do we lose concentration quickly? 

You have so many things that distract you from studying. Right from a notification on WhatsApp, to a friend request on Facebook and all other social media, calls, messages, PlayStation, etc., the list is endless. When you are mentally prepared to read a complex topic, suddenly, if you hear the doorbell or a barking dog, you lose your concentration and get drifted away. 

Sometimes, you may listen to your stomach crying for food, or you may feel sleepy or get bored within some time. The big question is how to increase concentration in studies?One can follow some techniques to focus on study. 

Why is concentration necessary?

Simple tips to increase concentration to study for long hours 

Sitting for long hours and using those hours effectively for studying can be a challenge. The following tips can help you study for long hours effectively: – 

Studying alone may make you lose focus at times. To get that energy back, break the monotony and start studying along with your friend. This can motivate you and also help you complete complex topics quickly.  

A silent and tidy room is required to get proper focus on studies. This can keep you away from unnecessary distractions. Don’t use dim lighting as you may tend to sleep.  

Don’t eat till the brim. Eat a nutritious meal that includes nuts and fruits. Have healthy snacks. Don’t fill your study table with chips and other junk foods as your focus will shift to finishing the chips packet rather than concentrating on your studies.   

Sitting in one place for long hours can cause tiredness and fatigue. Get up and walk every 30 minutes. Some fresh air can reenergize you. There is no harm in taking a few-minute break. 

When you get bored, do some yoga or pranayama. This will boost up your energy levels quickly. 

Some of you could be nocturnal, and others could be early birds. Choosing the proper time is very important because that’s when your concentration will be at its peak. When you read every day during the chosen time, you can finish studying the portions quite faster. 

Whether it’s a book, pen, or water bottle, keep everything on your study table. Don’t move from your place just for water or a notebook. Keep your table neat. Don’t have books and papers you don’t want to use on your table. A messy table doesn’t allow you to concentrate properly. 

Sleep is highly essential one of the tips to increase concentration and memory power. Try to get 6-7 hrs of sleep that can make you fresh and energetic. Lack of sleep makes you feel dull and lethargic.  

Self-motivation is essential to all of us. Just bribe yourself to complete your tasks on time. If you finish studying as per schedule, reward yourself with a 30-minute break with friends or listen to your favorite song, any small thing you like to do.  

Making visual images can help in learning things quickly. You could be reading about Mitochondria or Bing Bang theory. To remember tough topics, use diagrams or create a mental story that can help in easy recollection.  

Without having a plan daily, you cannot attain your goal. Make a realistic plan and stick to it. These helpful tips to increase concentration as you know that you are bound to finish few things as per the schedule every day. 

If you feel that you are losing concentration, start reading aloud. This will help in avoiding distractions. 

You will lose focus quickly and start to dose off if you habitually study in bed. Have a proper posture while learning. 

You have to keep your smartphones in silent mode while studying. Social media can take a lot of your time. Till your exams get over, don’t be active on social media. Avoid these distractions and concentrate on your studies. 

If you have the habit of procrastination, you will not be able to concentrate well. There will be no time left later, and you will get perplexed. To improve concentration, never postpone your revision to some other day.  

We hope you got clarity on how to improve concentration. Examinations require our commitment and dedication. Only with the right attitude and focus can we pass the examination with distinction.  

As a student, you will be well aware of the things that distract you. Stay away from all those, hone your concentration skills and prepare for your examinations with sincere efforts and determination. Get ready for your examinations by improving your concentration. You will be surprised to see the transformation in you!  

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a national level examination for getting into NITs, IIITs, and few other institutes. It has two levels JEE Main and JEE Advanced. Few institutions other than IIT consider JEE Main score alone. To get into IIT, you have to clear both JEE Main and Advanced. You can know in detail about the syllabus if you surf the internet.  

 20 Essential Tips to keep in mind: 

You have to get into the groove right from standard 9. This will develop lateral thinking and also build curiosity in you. You will start questioning everything and again try to solve one problem in many ways. When you get the right attitude and focus early in life, studying will become more fun and not tiring. If you get the right orientation in the initial stages itself, it would be easy to focus and give your preparations proper time.  

Follow a daily routine that will bring discipline into your life. Make a schedule and allocate time for every topic depending upon the level of difficulty. Don’t get upset if you break the schedule once or twice. You can compensate for that loss of time by putting in extra hours some other day. 

Pick out the topics in which you are weak and give more focus to those topics. Practice more questions on these topics that will help you increase your speed in solving. Give more importance to those topics wherein you struggle or have doubts. Don’t neglect your weak points. These could lead to failure. Work on these to overcome fear and also increase your confidence. Have a notebook to note down the common mistakes you commit in solving a problem.  

JEE exam doesn’t test your mugging capabilities. It tries your analytical, logical, and problems solving skills. Think and apply the concepts of Physics, Maths, and Chemistry in your day-to-day activities that will bring a new kind of perspective to you. This will kindle the curiosity in you and make learning a lot more fun. 

Your confidence will go up when you attend many mock tests and practice previous years’ question papers. You will also have no fear as you can increase your speed with constant practice. Always remember practice makes a man perfect! 

Make a chart will all formulae and keep on revising it. This can help you remain clear about concepts and remove your doubts about the correct formula. Find unique ways to remember formulae. 

Read NCERT books and also get to know the list of books required for every subject. Many study materials are available online as well, but it is necessary to choose the right books.  

Never postpone the idea of getting your doubts cleared. Do it then and there and revise similar questions that will give you a grip over the topic.  

IIT exam is all about solving problems faster and accurately. Using a timer will help you a lot to beat your record every time. Gradually, you will find ways to solve a pain in the quickest manner. 

Revision is essential as it improves your memory power, wherein your brain fetches results even faster. Set up a time for correction of all topics.  

You have many things on your plate right from learning, practicing, revision, etc. Time management is the most important key to success as you cannot skip few things and focus on one thing.  

Mere mugging alone will not help you score high marks. You should understand the concepts in detail, and only analytical skills can help you.  

Long hours of ongoing study can drain your brain. For proper functioning of your system, you should have at least 6 hours of sleep every day. Practice sleep hygiene.  

One may get quickly disappointed during this kind of preparation. The pressure and stress will be tremendous on you to crack the exam. But staying motivated is highly important to attain your goal. Never get dejected and quit. 

You can discuss and solve problems with your friends. This will keep you motivated and also increase your competitive spirit. 

You can be tired or bored. But don’t procrastinate learning or revising to some other day. Just take a break and finish your daily routine.  

Your mind needs relaxation as well. Go out for a brisk walk or play football or any other favorite sport to calm down. Exercise can enhance your brainpower too. 

Avoiding food or consuming junk foods cannot take you to your destination. A healthy diet is necessary for a healthy mind. You cannot afford to get sick and therefore take proper care of your health. 

Though this examination requires sacrifices and focus, take out time to relax with family or friends. Mental health is essential, and just boost it up by talking to some family member or friend. Taking a small break can enhance your performance.  

Final Thoughts 

Once you set your goal, then there is no looking back. You have to either give it your all or quit. Prepare yourself physically and mentally to chase the dream of getting into IIT every single day. You can get professional guidance either online or offline to achieve your goal. The first and foremost thing you have to do is to believe in yourself! Learn to manage stress by way of meditation and keep your mind focused. Be ready to put your mind, body, and soul into your exam preparations. 

All said and done, if you do not clear JEE, always have plan B. Getting depressed and discouraged is not the solution. Follow the smart tips given in this blog and give your best shot! Be a sport!

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