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Tips that will Help You Motivate Yourself to Study

To Motivate Yourself To Study

Are you looking for the answer to how to motivate yourself to study? If yes, this post is what you need. Find the best study motivation tips with us now! 

Are you looking for ways to motivate yourself to study? Let us face it! Most students find it challenging to concentrate while studying. With the internet and social media around, it can become further challenging to spend time studying efficiently. In such a case, search engines are filled with queries like – “how to motivate yourself to study?” 

Sure, the CBSE class 10 exams are canceled. However, the class 12 boards, competitive exams, and other higher education level exams are yet to take place. If you are looking to motivate yourself to study for these, you are in the right place. Here, we have some of the best study tips for you to help students concentrate better while studying. 

Let the scrolling begin and say goodbye to procrastination! 

Top tips to motivate yourself to study 

For all those who wonder how to motivate yourself to study, here are the best tips for you:

1. Discover the cause of your procrastination 

It is common for learners to find themselves procrastinating on their studies. The only way to avoid it is by getting rid of the cause behind this procrastination. For different students, these reasons may be different. Some are convinced that their syllabus is beyond their abilities, while others simply avoid studying to rebel against parents or teachers. 

Then, some students make up their minds about a topic being boring while it is not. Some are simply waiting for the perfect time, which never really arrives. Whatever your reason behind your procrastination, understand it and try to get rid of it. Doing so is the first step to find the motivation to study. 

2. Come up with a study routine 

Another best solution for how to get inspired to study is coming up with an ideal study routine. If you are wondering why so, research has the answer. As per it, humans are creatures of habit. So, the only way to study well for an exam or otherwise is to make it a habit. The best way you can do this is by making a perfect timetable for you. 

Once you form the habit of studying every day, it will be super simple for you to do so. In fact, over time, this habit can become so powerful that you may not be able to relax without it. While following this  tip to motivate yourself to study, keep in mind that you will not form this habit overnight. So, do not give up before you get the hang of it. 

3. Break down your tasks 

Sure, the answer to how to motivate yourself to study is by coming up with a perfect study plan. However, you need to be careful while making this. Do not keep your study time too long. Also, it is impossible to complete big units in a day. Therefore, another thing you can do is chunk down your tasks. 

When you keep study breaks in your schedule and divide the subjects and chapters accordingly, it can become quite easy to concentrate on studying. Also, this way you will be able to learn better. It is also crucial to have enough study and practice time in your schedule. 

4. Always reward yourself for every task you complete 

If you have a schedule and wonder how to motivate yourself to study hard for exams, this tip may help you out. To motivate yourself to study more, reward yourself for every task you complete from your timetable. This reward can be anything – an episode of your favorite show, a short walk, spending five minutes on your favorite smartphone game, or anything you want. 

5. Know why you want to get good grades 

Now,you can easily come up with a schedule and know why you procrastinate. However, students may still find studying difficult. In such a case, they search for how to be serious about studies? If you do the same, follow this tip. Ask yourself why you want good grades in the first place. Then, jot down all the reasons you come across. 

Here are a few reasons that may make you want to score high in exams: 

Once you have this list of reasons why studying hard is crucial for you, keep it near you, preferably where you can see it daily. This way, whenever you feel unmotivated, one look at the list, and you will know you have to study to achieve your goals. 

6. Always organize the information 

For most of the students, it is easy to understand summarized information. Therefore, make a habit of taking notes, making them, preparing tables, and highlighting important lines and points. These will not only help you study better but also come in handy when you need quick revision. 

7. Learn how to make a boring subject interesting 

There are numerous subjects or chapters in the syllabus that students find boring. Due to this, they find them difficult to study. However, are they boring? Well, most of the time, they are not. You find them boring because you have closed your mind to them. Yes, you read that right. Even G.K. Chesterton states that no subject is boring. As per him, there are only disinterested minds. 

Therefore, if you think a subject is boring, find ways to engage with the subject more. Study each of the chapters in great detail. If possible, look for videos and other visual content on the topics you are studying. These days, you can readily find such videos on YouTube for free. Try to make the best use of them. 

8. Pay attention towards understanding the topic and not memorizing it 

When you are studying, always try to understand the topic. Most students do not do this. Instead, they only memorize whatever they read. While some memorization may be necessary, doing so for everything is not the right way to study. Usually, if you only focus on memorizing something, you tend to forget it soon. However, if you understand something well, it goes a long way with you. Therefore, if you want the best grades even in the future, make understanding concepts a habit. It is because the ones you learn now will come in handy for your higher education. 

Further, once you think you understand a concept, put it into practice and look for gaps in it. Then, try to focus on these and only stop when you are perfect in the concept. This way, even if the questions in your exam are twisted, you will have no issue solving them. 

Final Thoughts  

So, this is how to motivate yourself to study. While it is good to find your motivation to study, it is okay if you sometimes do not feel like studying. It is strange but when you stop expecting to feel motivated to study, you may find the best ways to deal with it. The other times, accept that the motivation just won’t be there and take a break to relax. Effective breaks are as important as studying for the exam. They increase your learning efficiency. So take a deep breath, meditate if you like, and remember why you started. 

Good luck! 

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