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The Most Important Chapters for JEE Mains Exam 2021 

Important Chapters for JEE Mains Exam 2021

Important Chapters for JEE Mains Exam 2021

JEE Main is one of the most sought-after engineering entrance exams that allow students to get admitted into top engineering colleges for undergraduate courses.  Cracking a tough exam like JEE requires the student to have strategic planning and a thorough understanding of the syllabus. It is also essential to also understand which particular chapters in subjects need more attention for the exam. By giving extra focus on these specific chapters, there is a greater chance of getting a better JEE Main score. To qualify for IIT admission, the students need to crack JEE-Main and JEE-Advanced as well. Hence, showing emphasis on these topics will also help the student to crack JEE-Advanced as well.  

For JEE Main 2021, here are the subject-wise chapters/topics on which the aspirant can give the extra focus. 

Subject  Most Important Chapters of JEE Main 2021 
  • Rotational Motion 
  • Thermodynamics 
  • SHM 
  • Electrostatics 
  • Magnetism 
  • Optics 
  • Modern Physics 
  • Complex Number 
  • Conic Section 
  • Circle 
  • Calculus 
  • Vector & 3 D 
  • Probability 
  • Trigonometric Equation 
  • Properties of Triangles 
  • Quadratic Equation 
  • Sequence and Series 
  • Permutations and combination 
  • Chemical bonding 
  • Electrochemistry 
  • Coordination compound 
  • Salt analysis 
  • Ionic equilibrium 
  • Thermodynamics & thermochemistry 
  • Aldehydes and ketones 
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons 
  • GOC isomerism 
  • Liquid solutions 
  • Alkyl halides and aryl halides 

Which books do I follow for covering these chapters/topics? 

This is a commonly asked question by every JEE-Main aspirant.  Because of too many options to choose from, they often get confused about which books to follow. Apart from NCERT course books for the core subjects, namely Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, the students are also expected to cover important topics in reference books. Following good reference books- recommended by subject-matter experts and toppers alike will significantly increase the chances of scoring well in JEE- Main.  It also brings up great insights into each of the important chapters/topics. 

Here is a comprehensive list of books that JEE-Main aspirants can follow in good confidence: 

Subject  Recommended Books 
  • NCERT Class 11 and 12 Textbooks 
  • Differential and Integral Calculus by Amit M Aggarwal 
  • Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry by SL Loney 
  • Complete Mathematics for JEE Main by TMH Publication 
  • Algebra by Dr.SK Goyal 
  • NCERT Class 11 and 12 Textbooks 
  • Concepts of Physics by HC Verma (Volume 1 and 2) 
  • Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick & Walker 
  • Problems in General Physics by I.E Irodov 
  • NCERT Class 11 and 12 Textbooks 
  • Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon 
  • Physical Chemistry by P Bahadur 
  • Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee 
  • Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by RC Mukherjee 

How do I approach the important chapters of NEET-2021? 

Now that we have identified the important topics for the exam, and zeroed in on the subject books to study- the immediate concern of aspirants is to pass these subjects with flying colors. Here are some tips for the students to follow – that would make the preparation quite effortless: 

Target the tougher topics first:The mistake that the students usually make is ignoring the tougher subjects out of fear. But the key to scoring well in JEE-Main is to hit the tougher target first.  

The students need to transform the tougher topics to make them easier to understand. Hence, make a list of the toughest topics from the list of important topics (In all the core subjects) and attack them first. This not only improves confidence and also increases the chance of getting a good JEE-Main score. 

Make notes regularly:Making notes is a good habit. Keep notes for every important chapter/topic you study regularly. These notes can significantly help the student to revise at the last minute. Keep these notes handy for every problem-solving. This way you will also be able to learn the topic or subject quickly.  

Design schematics and compile formulas: Sometimes, reading extensively will overwhelm the student in the wrong way. Therefore, design diagrams, tabular columns and compile the formulas under one single place. You would be surprised to know how great it will helpespecially during the last-minute revision.  

Make bullet notes: This technique is greatly helpful during revision and is also helpful in learning the important topics by heartBullet notes have proven effects on increased understanding of complex topics. Keep things brief and single-liners in a way that is easy to reference. 

Practice more problems in these topics:Once you get the topics thorough, the next step is to apply them in solving problems. Get hands-on as many problems as you can, and apply the topics to solve them effectively.  

Note how much time is required to solve each of these problems. If you are lagging in solving a particular topic-based question, give it extra effort and improve next time. This feedback-oriented approach towards learning will fetch a long way. 

Sign up for online coaching classes: For a competitive exam like JEE-Main, the student cannot take a second chance in learning. It will be wise to join an online coaching class such as Turito, which greatly increases your chances of getting a good score.  

Online lessons can be attended at the comfort of your house, comprising of subject-matter experts who are always ready to clear the doubts. It also keeps the student highly motivated and gives additional information about the list of important topics for the exam. 

Research and practice the previous JEE-Main papers: Along with practice tests, even the previous year’s papers are important. They give additional information about individual subject weightage and distribution of marks for each year.  

Based on this information, the students can come to a well-informed idea about how to prepare next. Remember, the target is not to accumulate the information but to crack the exam. For this process, one need not have extensive subject knowledge- but only that knowledge that is useful for the exam. 

The key to crack JEE-Main is to study within the syllabus, with increased vigor and energy rather than reading extensively and getting exhausted in return. 

FAQs Relating to Most Important chapter for JEE Main 2021: 

By being thorough with the most important chapters in JEE-Main, can I get the best score? 

It depends. The student appearing for JEE-Main is expected to be thorough with all the topics in the syllabus. However, they need to focus more on the important topics mentioned above. But it may not be wise to skip the other topics. Do not assume that questions may not come in the exam from a particular topic.  

Apart from your preparation, your strategy while attempting the exam also matters a lot. It is equally important to be calm and focused during exam hours. 

Some of the important topics are too tough for my understanding. What do I do? 

Based on individual strengths and weaknesses, it is understandable that some topics are complex. But one should not skip those topics/chapters, especially when they are important. Students often leave topics, which can backfire if they plan to crack an entrance exam. 

Sign up for online coaching courses such as that provided at Turito. Interact with teachers and friends to discuss the topic. Sometimes, discussing with others makes the topic even easier and understandable. Remember, never give up! Just because some topic is complex. 

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