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How Should Be the Timetable for IIT JEE Aspirants? 

Best TimeTable for JEE Preparation

Timetable for IIT JEE Aspirants

JEE is the national-level undergraduate entrance examforengineering. It involves two stages, JEE Main and JEE Advanced. To appear for these exams, aspirants require hard work, dedication, and lots of effort. This makes them successful in JEE and gets admission at IITs, NITs, IIITs, and other top colleges in India. To achieve this success, you have to devote your days and nights.  

If you are a JEE aspirant, you obviously know the value of time. Even the 24 hours a day for JEE preparation is short. Especially when a few months are left for the JEE exam and you have more syllabus to cover, revisions to be done, and sample papers to be solved.  

Don’t get fret by this workload vs. time thing. We have brought you this article on how should be the timetable for IIT JEE aspirants? This will help you understand how best to prepare for IIT JEE 2021, which topics to study, and more details.

Making a timetable for IIT JEE is critical to effectively utilize your 24 hours to prepare for the exam. So, get going on making a study plan to strengthen your JEE preparation. 

Why is Making a Timetable for IIT JEE 2021 Important? 

Preparation for IIT JEE cannot be done without a timetable, especially in these times when all our learning has shifted to digital platforms. Preparing a daily routine for IIT JEE examinations is important because it allows IIT JEE aspirants to start their exam preparation well. This also allows doing self-study that is a vital part of IIT JEE preparation. Timetable for IIT JEE exams will give aspirants an idea of how to proceed further for JEE preparation. It will provide flexibility in the preparation while making you aware of the time you have left in a day. 

How to Prepare Effective Timetable for IIT JEE Exam 2021? 

While creating an efficient timetable for IIT JEE, you need to be smart enough. You must utilize your 24 hours with appropriate breaks or intervals between your study. You should keep following things in your mind while creating an effective timetable for IIT JEE 2021. 

JEE Main Topics That Carry High Weightage 

There is no parameter to measure the easiness and complexity of a subject or topic. Though studying all topics in a subject is crucial, some main topics carry high weightage.  

Electronic devices, Optics, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Properties of Solids and Liquids, Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Waves, Communication Systems, Physics, and Measurement 

Equilibrium, Organic Compounds containing Oxygen, Chemical Bonding, and Molecular Structure, p- Block Elements, Solutions, Chemical Thermodynamics, Redox Reaction and Electrochemistry, d- and f- Block Elements, Coordination Compounds, Chemistry in Everyday Life, some basic concepts in Chemistry, Organic Compounds containing Halogens 

Coordinate geometry, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Statistics and Probability, Integral Calculus, Complex numbers, and quadratic equations, Matrices and Determinants, Three-Dimensional Geometry, Sets, Relations and Functions, Vector Algebra, Sequence and series, Permutations and combinations, Trigonometry 

Effective Timetable for IIT JEE aspirants for Better Preparation  

IIT JEE is one of the toughest examinations in the world. This is because there are thousands of students who appear for the JEE exam every year. Thus, to crack this most competitive exam, candidates must plan how best to study, which topics are most important, and how much time is allotted for each topic. The table below is one of the perfect examples of preparing an effective timetable for IIT JEE. 

Time  Activity 
6:00 AM  Wake up and get ready to study 
6:30 AM-7:30 AM  Exercise to fit and sharpen your mind 
7:30 AM-10:00 AM  Study new topics 
10:00 AM-11:00 AM  Breakfast/Newspaper 
11:00 AM-2:00 PM  Revision previous topics and study new topics 
2:00 PM-3:00 PM  Lunch/ a short nap 
3:00 PM-6:00 PM  Practice previous years’ question papers 
6:00 PM-6:45 PM  Break/ walk/ talk to friends 
6:45 PM-8:45 PM  Study (Finish one topic) 
8:45 PM-9:30 PM  Dinner/Watch TV/ spend time with family 
9:30 PM-11:30 PM  Revise the topics already studied and plan for the next day 
11:30 PM  Relax your mind (by listening to music) and sleep 

You can schedule your timetable based on your college/class hours. You should also try to wake up early as the IIT JEE exam days come nearer. 

Based on the above daily routine, you must divide your JEE syllabus. Let’s say for 60 days. So, the timetable for IIT JEE aspirants should be: 

Subjects   Number of Topics (To be Revised)  Days 
Mathematics  16  16 
Physics  21  11 
Chemistry  28  14 
Total  65  41 

After specifying the days vs. topics, you have left 19 days. You can re-revision the important points and topics in the remaining days. You can also practice mock tests or solve sample papers to strengthen your IIT JEE 2021 preparation. 

Important Tips While Preparing for IIT JEE 
Reference Books for IIT JEE 

Choosing the best study materials and books is a time-intensive job. But once selected and start preparation based on the timetable will help crack the IIT JEE 2021. Read the listicle to know some of the best books you may prefer for your IIT JEE (Main and Advanced) preparation. 

Best Books for Physics 

Best Books for Chemistry 

Best Books for Mathematics 

Final Thought

Scoring well in IIT JEE is crucial as it places aspirants in top engineering colleges in India. But to get a taste of such success requires a proper study plan. It is better to make an appropriate study plan and timetable for IIT JEE that will help you with your preparations. Practicing the timetable built is as vital as making it. Gradually you’ll imbibe it into your routine. 

So, gear up, analyze yourself and make a timetable accordingly. Good luck!

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