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Best Revision Plans and Strategies To Crack NEET

Best Revision Plan For NEET

Looking forward to cracking NEET and make your dreams come true? Read this post to know the Let’s have a look at the best preparation tips and revision plan for NEET to ace the exam. 

Thousands of candidates appear every year for the NEET exam. It is the gateway to fulfilling every student’s dream of becoming a successful doctor or nurse. However, it takes a   proper study plan and a strategic revision plan to clear this fiercely competitive exam.  

Revision plays a key role in clearing any competitive exam. It helps in increasing speed and makes you more confident. A smart revision practice will help you ace NEET. Let us look at the Revision plan for NEET  that will save you a lot of time to revise each concept thoroughly and polish your basics. 

Best Preparation Tips for NEET

Before starting the revision plan for NEET, students must have thorough information on the syllabus, exam pattern, and finest preparation tips. Awareness of these helps students in sticking only to exam-related topics. You must avoid spending time on topics that would not be asked in the exam. It is good to gain knowledge, but it is equally necessary to wisely utilize your time. Students often end up preparing topics not relevant to the syllabus. After knowing the syllabus and exam pattern, start with your preparation. Mentioned below are few best tips that will help you prepare for NEET. 

How to Make a Revision Plan for NEET? 

As there are limited seats and fierce competition, it becomes crucial for candidates to devise the best revision plan for NEET. NEET syllabus is vast and this syllabus can’t be revised as a plan. Hence, we pay emphasis on making a proper plan before you get down to revise. Ideally, this plan should be made at the beginning of your preparation. To help students better prepare, here are the effective guidelines that narrate how to get ready for NEET. 

Revision Plan for Three Months  

After completing the entire NEET syllabus and getting familiar with the exam pattern, students will need to begin revision. They should make a revision plan for the NEET exam. Follow the timetable to keep up with the revision of the subjects. They must prepare a better revision plan for the NEET exam and study in an organized manner. To bring positivity and motivation to study, students must set a goal first. For a productive revision, aspirants should divide their strategies into months.  

In the first month  

The candidates should revise the Class 11 subjects where they are relatively weaker and unstable. During this first month, candidates should revise different topics. They can pick two different subjects every day for fruitful preparation. They must revise the strongest as well as easy yet critical topics. Aspirants should also write down basic things to memorize later. They need to repeat this process daily to remember concepts and theories. Additionally, on the weekends, they must try to solve sample question papers and take mock tests. 

In the second month  

Students are advised to analyze the subjects studied in the first month. Then move ahead to revise the class 12 subjects in the same way. Understanding the exam pattern already gives a good idea to the students regarding the weightage of each topic. They must utilize this knowledge and allocate extra time to the high weightage topics. They must try to complete the revision within the given days. They also must try to avoid overburden themselves; otherwise, they will only get stressed. 

In the third month  

Aspirants need to be relaxed throughout the month. They should not try to study anything new because they might forget what they have learned throughout the last two months. They are only needed to revise important topics that they have learned already. Aspirants also must try to practice previous year’s questions or sample papers.; Practising two papers a day will be efficient. They should also assess and try to find out their weak points during the final revision for NEET. Aspirants must avoid any social engagement in the last two weeks to fresh up their minds and score well in the examination. 

Why is making a revision plan for the NEET exam is important?  

Preparing for NEET requires a well-sketched study plan and revision notes.  Skipping revision or reducing revision time to complete the syllabus can prove harmful to your preparation. To ace the NEET, aspirants must look at how to plan revision for the exam. 

But before getting there, understand why is making a revision plan for the NEET exam important? 

 Important notes while preparing revision plan for NEET

Make a Subject-wise revision plan for NEET 


Students should go through the chapter and make key derivation points. Jot down all the important formulae and try to make chapters clear and concise. The more inferior the volume, the more appealing they become. 


Candidates must focus primarily on organic chemistry. Formulate notes on formulae, example reactions graphs, and mechanisms of chemistry topics related to the NEET exam. Read more NCERT for inorganic chemistry and note down important points. 


Aspirants should jot down only tough topics or points in their revision notes. They should make an individual revision note for zoology and Botany. Must go through NCERT thoroughly in parallel to extra study materials. Write down notes in a short bulletin of topics. 

Topics that carry weightage for NEET preparation 

Physics – Class 11 & 12 

Chemistry – Class 11 & 12 

Biology – Class 11 & 12 

Best books for the preparation of NEET 




Final Thoughts 

The revision will not only make your concepts clearer but will also strengthen your problem-solving skills. If you’ll take a look at the previous year’s toppers, you’ll find them giving great emphasis to revision.  Revision forms an essential part of any competitive exam. If you aim to crack NEET, then you must include a revision plan, that best suits you, in your preparation strategy. After reading this article you must have a clearer view of how to go about it. The revision plan for NEET will be vital for students to score good marks in the exam. Prepare your revision plan for NEET and revise subjects at your own pace. 

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