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How to Increase the Physics Score in NEET?

How to increase the Physics score in NEET

Understanding the concepts of Physics and learning all numerical for NEET is difficult. Here are some easy tips on how to increase the physics score in NEET

The NEET exam is the stepping-stone for students aspiring to build a career in medicine. It is a competitive exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) annually. The exam includes 180 multiple choice questions from the curriculum of Classes XI and XII. It is divided into 3 sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. For every correct answer, the candidate gets 4 marks and for every wrong answer, 1 mark is deducted. The exam is conducted in 11 different languages namely English, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Bengali, Marathi, Assamese, Telugu, Oriya, Kannada, and Gujarati. Here is a complete NEET guide for Physics to help you perform better. 

NEET Physics 

One of the best ways to score well in Physics NEET questions is to pay more attention to the chapters that carry more weight in the exam. While studying every chapter and understanding concepts, definitions and numerical are important, more emphasis needs to be put on chapters that carry more weightage. The more weightage a chapter carries, the greater number of questions will be based on it in the exam. Here is a list of all the important chapters that need to be studied and revised thoroughly for a better NEET score: 

Physics NEET important chapters 

Given below is a detailed description of the Physics chapters that make the basis for NEET questions with their approximate weightage in the examination. Preparing these chapters concerning their weight is the best way to score well on the exam. 

 Class XI Chapters:

Class XI 
Unit  Topic/Chapters  Weightage* 
I  Physical- World and Measurement  2% 
Chapter 1: Physical World 
Chapter 2: Units and Measurements 
II  Kinematics  3% 
Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight Line 
Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane 
III  Laws of Motion  3% 
Chapter 5: Laws of Motion 
IV  Work, Energy, and Power  4% 
Chapter 6: Work, Energy, and Power 
V  The motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body  5% 
Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion 
VI  Gravitation  2% 
Chapter 8: Gravitation 
VII  Properties of Bulk Matter  3% 
Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids   
Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids   
Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter   
VIII  Thermodynamics  9% 
Chapter 12: Thermodynamics 


The behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory  3% 
Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory  3% 
X  Oscillation & Waves 
Chapter 14: Oscillations 
Chapter 15: Waves 

 Class XII Chapters 

Class XII 
Unit  Topic/Chapters  Weightage* 
I  Electrostatics  9% 
Chapter 1: Electric Charges and Fields 
Chapter 2: Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 
II  Current Electricity  8% 
Chapter 3: Current Electricity 
III  Magnetic Effect of Current & Magnetism  5% 
Chapter 4: Moving Charges and Magnetism 
Chapter 5: Magnetism and Matter 
IV  Electromagnetic Induction  8% 
Chapter 6: Electromagnetic Induction 
Chapter 7: Alternating Current 
V  Electromagnetic Waves  5% 
Chapter 8: Electromagnetic Waves 
VI  Optics  10% 
Chapter 9: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 
Chapter 10: Wave Optics 
VII  Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation  6% 
Chapter 11: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 
VIII  Atoms & Nuclei  3% 
Chapter 12: Atoms 
Chapter 13: Nuclei 
IX  Electronic Devices  9% 
Chapter 14: Semiconductor Electronics 

*This weightage is approximate, based on previous year exam papers and experts’ analysis. 

How to Study Physics for NEET? 

To have a thorough subject matter knowledge of Physics for the exam, referring to relevant and best books is important. Here’s a list of the best books that can help you get the best score on NEET Physics questions. 

NCERT Physics Textbooks (Classes XI and XII) 

Concepts of Physics by HC Verma (Vol. 1 & 2) 

Objective Physics by DC Pandey 

Concepts of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT by Agarwal 

These books are a complete NEET guide: Physics and help you adopt an overall approach to Physics information and do well on the exam. 

How to Prepare Physics for NEET? 

To prepare better for the exam and especially get a good score on NEET Physics questions, here are some strategies that you can adapt to your study schedule. 

1. Collect relevant material 

Before getting started on the preparation, the first step is to collect relevant material and books. You can take the help of your seniors and mentors in this pursuit. Try to get the information on relevant books from the right source, so that you do not end up buying a lot of them that do not add much value to your preparation.  

2. Get your concepts clear 

Important concepts of Physics and micro-concepts play an integral role in solving exam questions. Therefore, having a thorough understanding of these concepts is how you can prepare Physics for NEET. Identify the important topics, lay out a structured timeline to cover them in the given period, and get started on your preparation! 

3. Use previous year question papers and mock tests 

Previous years’ question papers can give great insights into the question paper pattern and identifying the most important concepts to pay attention to. 

Along with revising the concepts, practicing questions from reference books, mock tests, and previous year question papers make it easy to understand questions, take off some exam pressure and make you more confident for the final exam. There are numerous mock tests available both, online and offline that provide a complete NEET guide for Physics. 

4. Revision of formulae and derivations 

Continuous revision keeps topics fresh and clear in your mind and makes it easier to recall them in the exam. Many questions are based on formulae and derivations. A thorough revision will keep you prepared for such tough questions and how to prepare physics for NEET. 

5. Keep fear at bay 

Most candidates are unable to focus on their preparation and study for Physics the right way because they are intimidated by the subject. Physics is said to be an extremely difficult subject in the eyes of students. Therefore even before studying the subject and understanding it, students think of it as difficult and are unable to prepare it well. 

6. A list of formulae 

Formulae are an important aspect of Physics that make up for a major part of the exam. Hence, the question ‘How to study Physics for NEET’ is to study every formula thoroughly. The best way to do that is to prepare a list of important formulae and revise them every day and memorize them to score better. 

7. Adopt the right approach in the exam 

In the exam, putting all your preparation to work is as important as any other step. The right approach is to balance your speed with the right answers. The two factors that need to be considered are: 

Final Thoughts 

Physics can come across as a very tough subject. Many students find it difficult to solve the numerical. But a good understanding of concepts can help one solve numerical easily. Usually, the Physics questions asked in the NEET exam are easier. But aspirants do not realize this because they either find the subject boring or too tough.  Avoiding this subject will only increase your troubles. So, if you want to score better do not leave Physics. With the right preparation strategy and relevant study material, you can get your desired rank and pursue the degree of your choice. Good Luck!

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