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9 Tips to Solve Multiple Choice Questions in NEET Exam

Multiple Choice Questions in NEET Exam

Multiple Choice Questions in NEET  

NEET UG entrance exam consists of only Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), also known as objective-type questions, that are easy to evaluate but extremely difficult to attempt. While these solve the problem of subjectivity, because there’s always only one correct answer to every question, the options can be very complicated and misleading at times.  

Attempting them becomes simple only when we develop the eye to catch the keywords in the question. These keywords determine the correct option, hence studying for these exams meticulously is a necessity.  

Multiple Choice Questions

Most candidates have a tough time with Multiple Choice Questions in the exam. So here are a few ways to approach the NEET questions of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in the NEET exam 2021 and get your desired score. 

Dealing with ‘All of the Above’ and ‘None of the Above’ options 

In cases where there is an option of ‘All of the Above’ or ‘None of the Above’, you must carefully evaluate every option. Most people often evaluate only 1 or 2 options before going for either of these choices.  

The important thing to remember is that the third option might be crucial in your decision-making. It’s only after thoroughly checking if all the other 3 options satisfy the condition mentioned in the question or not, should you opt for these choices. 

Elimination technique 

More often than not, the options are very similar to each other and are really confusing. In these times, the elimination technique always works. Look at each option separately and check whether it’s correct or not. If yes, keep it aside and evaluate the others the same way. 

If the option is incorrect, forget about it and move to the next. In the end, evaluate the ones you’ve shortlisted and use the same technique with them. You’ll reach your answer! 

The answer is within the question 

While reading the question thoroughly, you can usually identify the correct answer. For example, one of the Physics multiple-choice questions is 

Question: The solids which have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance are: 

  1. Metals 
  2. Insulators only 
  3. Semiconductors only 
  4. Insulators and semiconductors 

If the candidate doesn’t read the question and all the options thoroughly, they might mark options 1, 2, or 3 right. But the catch is that the question uses the word ‘solids’ which is plural, hence the answer is clearly 4. For metals, the temperature coefficient of resistance is positive, while for insulators and semiconductors, it’s negative. 

Read the question 

Often in the rush of completing the exam soon, candidates read the question in a hurry and mark the first answer they find right. This hurry can cost them many marks. The questions in the exam are constructed in a complicated way that sometimes needs thorough reading to understand completely. For example, Physics multiple-choice questions might be: 

 Question: For which of the following, the Bohr model is not valid? 

  1. Hydrogen atom 
  2. Singly ionized Helium atom (He+) 
  3. Deuteron atom 
  4. Singly ionized neon atom (Ne+) 

In a hurry, the candidate might overlook the word ‘not’ and mark the wrong answer. But the correct response is ‘4’ since the Bohr model is only applicable for single-electron species and the Neon atom has more than one electron in orbit. 

Therefore, reading each word in the question is essential to mark the correct answer in the Objective type question paper; because one word can change the entire course of the sentence. 

Read each option separately 

Similar to not reading a question thoroughly, candidates often mark the first option they believe is correct. This again can lead to negative marking. For example, one of NEET Physics questions is: 

Question: Taking into account the significant figures, what is the value of 9.99m- 0.0099 m? 

  1.  9.9801 m 
  2. 9.98 m 
  3. 9.980 m 
  4. 9.9 m 

This looks like a pretty simple question, but all the answers are correct! What can a candidate do in such a case? Evaluating all the options is key. In all the options, the number of decimal places varies.  

However, in subtraction, the number of decimal places in the result should be equal to the number of decimal places of that term in the operation which contains a lesser number of decimal places.  

In the expression, 9.99m- 0.0099 m, the former has a lesser number of decimal places, i.e., 2. Therefore, the correct answer is 9.98 m that has 2 decimal places. 

Avoid last-minute rush 

Most candidates leave out the simple questions for the end and spend most of their time solving the difficult ones. In this case, if they run out of time towards the end, they even miss out on the answers that were sure to fetch them more marks. This negatively impacts their overall score. 

In other cases, students keep solving the questions in their rough sheet and jot down all the answers there. They keep the last 15-minutes of the exam to mark out their answers in their answer sheet. This is a serious mistake that can cost them valuable marks.  

If they lose track of time or are unable to mark out all the answers in that time span, they lose out a lot of marks! The best way to attempt the NEET exam 2021 is by simultaneously marking all the correct answers as soon as you solve them. 

Simple questions first 

To keep a sound mental state throughout the exam, it’s best practice to attempt the simple questions first. When you know the answer to these questions, it boosts your confidence, and you are more motivated to tackle the difficult ones.  

On the other hand, if you try to solve the difficult ones first, they might demotivate you and you’re most likely to mark even the simple ones incorrectly. This is one of the few techniques you can use to keep yourself encouraged and motivated throughout the NEET exam 2021 and score better. 

Effective time division 

Every candidate puts in all their hard work to prepare for the NEET exam. However, applying time management skills in the exam is the key to scoring better and avoiding negative markings. Divide your time into 4 parts to pay attention to all the questions and evaluate them. 

Round 1: The first 20 minutes 

Go through the question paper thoroughly and remember the correct answers. 

Round 2: The next 130 minutes 

Attempt the questions and mark all the answers that you know. Do not take more than 30 seconds in all questions. 

Round 3: The next 50 minutes 

Evaluate the marked questions. Take 1 minute per question and check if you’ve marked the right option. 

Round 4: The last 10 minutes 

Take a quick look at the sheet to ensure you’ve marked all the answers you’re sure of. Do not engage in last-minute guesswork since there’s negative marking in the NEET exam 2021. 

Understand concepts thoroughly 

The best way to score more marks in the NEET exam 2021 is by reading the NCERT and thoroughly understanding the smallest of concepts. These small details are often crucial in identifying the correct answers in the exam. Details like definitions, units, properties, etc. are important details that should be a crucial part of your NEET preparation.


With the right practice, time management skills, and a well-structured strategy while attempting the exam, you can get your desired score on the exam and pass with flying colors. 

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