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Tips to Revise the Entire Syllabus in the Last Month of NEET 2021

Tips to Revise the Entire Syllabus in Last Month of NEET 2021

Learn important tips to revise the entire syllabus for NEET 2021 in just a month and score your desired rank. 

As the NEET exam comes closer, students have started preparing for the final, and probably the most important, round of their preparation—the Revision. This is a crucial step. This last month plays a key role in deciding the fate of all the years and months of hard work that an aspirant put in their preparation.   All your preparation will flourish and help you get your desired NEET score when you follow a strategized revision plan. Use this plan to brush up on all the basics and work on your weak areas. 

Here are some tips to keep in mind to revise fast: 

How to revise for NEET? 

Here are some tips on how to clear NEET in 1 month. 

1. Rush up all the concepts

In the final stage of preparation, don’t leave out any concept. Study them carefully and try to retain as much information as you can. Most questions in the NEET exam are based on small concepts and theories. Hence, it’s important to brush up on all the concepts, theories, definitions, formulae, and derivations to be able to solve difficult problems. Revise chapter-wise, identify the important topics, and make notes to study them frequently. 

2. Practice 

The best way to retain all that you’ve studied is by practicing it. There are many sources available online that help you revise in the best possible way. Mock tests, previous years’ question papers are some of the resources that are of value while revising. Dedicate at least 2-3 hours every day practicing a mock test and solving questions. Mark yourself, identify your weak areas, and work on them. 

This practice will not just help you revise better, but will also get you in the rhythm for taking the final exam. When you get used to the paper pattern and the type of questions, the final exam doesn’t come as a surprise to you. You’ve learned how to attempt an exam and that makes you more confident, leading to a higher score. 

3. Relevant study material 

Revision doesn’t imply studying all the material there is in the world. For instance, in the revision period, some candidates go over JEE sample papers to get a fair idea of the type of questions that appear in the competitive exams. This is a huge myth and can do more harm than good. 

JEE is more focused on Mathematics and that reflects in the Physics and Chemistry sections as well. The questions are more Math-oriented to assess the overall knowledge of the candidate. NEET, however, is more focused on Biology, which implies that the questions are less Math-related. Therefore, focus on only the material most relevant to NEET than any other exam. This focused preparation will help you do better at the exam. 

4. De-stress 

Studying under stress reduces productivity. If you’re stressed, take a break from your preparation and indulge in a hobby or interest to keep yourself motivated. 

When you’re finally in a good place, mentally, start studying again to put your most focus on the preparation. When you’re refreshed and motivated, learning is at its best and that’s how to revise fast for the exam. 

5. Divide your time properly 

Suppose you study for 9 hours a day. In this case, your study hours should be divided equally between the 3 subjects- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. If you’re confident about your preparation in any one subject, you can allot slightly lesser time to it and use that time to study your weak subjects. But this division is only beneficial if you don’t use all your time on one topic/subject, completely disregarding the others. 

 6. Identify the output 

When you’re studying for a certain number of hours, not all hours are spent productively. The rest go in vain. Therefore, the aspirants must identify their most productive hours and schedule the most important topics then. This way, their most focused hours are spent on learning something difficult, which stays on their mind for a long time. 

7. Analyse your performance 

After preparing, revising, and taking mock tests, analyze your results. Understand how you’re performing. Identify your weak areas, and devote most of your revision time to study those topics better. Practice, practice, and practice, to become better and understand those concepts by heart. 

8. Healthy lifestyle 

Maintaining a healthy routine is as important as your NEET preparation. The right routine will not only keep you healthy, physically and mentally but also keep you motivated to prepare for the exam. Therefore, building a routine and sticking to it is essential for your preparation. Here are some activities you can include in your daily routine: 

9. Revise 

The best way to be prepared just in time for the NEET exam and ensure that all your preparation stays with you is through a thorough revision. Though NEET is a tough exam and there’s a lot of material to be covered to prepare for it, the right revision strategy will make sure you cover all the important topics towards the end. A common thought that often comes to student’s minds when there is an extensive course to go through is “how to revise fast”? 

The best way is to make revision notes and study them thoroughly. One should not skip revision of any topic. Students should plan and make a schedule that gives them enough time to prepare and revise for the competitive exam. 

Here are some key features to make revision notes: 

Steps to make revision notes: 

Final Thoughts 

Revision forms a vital part of any competitive exam preparation. Following a strategic revision procedure for the last month before the NEET exam will not just help you identify your mistakes and work on them, but also perform well in the exam.  

Even previous year toppers of the NEET exam put special emphasis on revision. Revision is the key to increase efficiency and confidence during exams. Students can follow the steps given in the above article to make notes or devise their own note-making method for a perfect revision.  This is how to clear NEET in 1-month revision and reach your desired NEET score to get admission to your preferred college and kick-start your medical career! 

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