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Fun and Useful Mnemonics Suggestions for Biology Students

Fun and Useful Mnemonics Suggestions for Biology Students

Biology useful mnemonics suggestions make your biology subject more fun and memorable. Learn mnemonics for biology class 12 with this post.

Biology is one of the subjects in the universe that can boggle your mind if you don’t have a well-structured strategy to study it. Biology allows you to study life and living organisms. It is among the most important subjects in Class 12th and the field of medicine. It carries the highest marks in medical entrance exams including NEET. While Biology is crucial to crack medical exams, its vast syllabus requires an in-depth understanding of the subject.

There is no wonder that remembering so many terms, definitions, mechanisms, concepts, and details in Biology is complex. Suppose you are facing difficulty regarding how to prepare for Biology subject. In that case, we bring you this article with fun and useful mnemonics suggestions for Biology that will for sure spark your preparation level. 

A mnemonic is a technique that helps you memorize any difficult terms easily and in more fun. 

Let’s have a look at the fun and useful mnemonics suggestions for biology. 

 Essential Amino acids  

There are 10 essential amino acids our body needs to grow and function properly. These are: 

Arginine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Threonine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Valine.

A mnemonic for these essential amino acids is Any Help In Learning These Little Molecules Proves Truly Valuable

Classes and sub-classes of Phylum Mollusca 

Phylum Mollusca is the major phylum in marine environments. Animals that belong to the phylum Mollusca have soft-bodies, triploblastic, and bilaterally symmetrical and coelomate. Phylum Mollusca is categorized into classes and sub-classes. These are as follows: 

Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Caudofoveata, Solenogastres, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda, and sub-classes of Cephalopoda:

Coleoids, Ammonoids, and Nautiloids.

You can put this phrase to learn them:

Some Grownups Can’t See Magic Ponies But Children CAN

Taxonomic Rank 

Taxonomic rank refers to the sequence of a group of organisms in a taxonomic hierarchy. They are: 

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

A mnemonic for this order is Do Kindly Put Cover On Fresh Green Spinach

Stages of Cell Cycle 

Every organism, from insects to animals and humans to plants and bacteria, has a life cycle. The cell cycle stands for the life cycle of a cell that replicates all of its genetic material and splits into two identical cells. Stages of the cell cycle are classified into G1 Phase (Growth Phase 1), S Phase (DNA Synthesis), G2 Phase (Growth Phase 2), M Phase (Mitosis), C Phase (Cytokinesis).

Remember the order of stages with Go Sally Go! Make Children!

Phases of Mitosis 

Mitosis is defined as a type of cell division wherein one cell (the mother) divides to generate two new cells (the daughters) genetically identical to itself. Mitosis’s phases involve Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis. 

Mnemonics for these phases could be: 

Male Reproductive System and Development 

The male reproductive system is all about a grouping of organs that structure a male human being’s reproductive and urinary systems. The male reproductive system and development structure include Seminiferous tubule, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Ejaculatory duct, Urethra, and Penis.

To memorize this pathway, the quick mnemonic is SEVEN UP

Different Types of White Blood Cells 

White blood cells belong to our immune system. These cells aid the body to fight infection and defend against diseases. Different types of blood cells run in the body. Generally, a type of blood cell is made in the bone marrow and found in the blood and lymph tissue. These blood cells are Neutrophils (60%), Lymphocytes (30%), Monocytes (6%), Eosinophils (3%), and Basophils (1%).

A mnemonic for these cells is Never Let Mother Eat Bell paper

Vitamin Table 

Vitamins are organic substances humans need in small quantities. They are required for normal cell function, growth, and development. A person requires a different number of vitamins and each vitamin plays a crucial role in the body. Different types of vitamins are Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Biotin (Vitamin B7), Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12).

How would you remember these vitamin names? Don’t worry! You can memorize them quickly with this phrase:

Tarun and Ramesh Now are Professors Because Father Cheered

Processes of Living Organisms 

Living organisms pose certain features that differentiate them from non-living organisms. The processes of life that define living things are Movement, Respiration, Sensation, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition.

Remember these processes with MRS GREN

Components of Environment 

The amalgamation of biotic, abiotic, and cultural components constitutes the environment surrounding us and other organisms. Biotic components encompass all forms of life such as animals, plants, micro-organisms, etc. Abiotic components include air, water, soil, light, temperature, etc. that affects human beings. The third component, the Social component of culture component, consists of different populations of diverse living things like birds, animals, etc. 

Mnemonics for the components of environment is ABCof an Environment  

Anterior Division of Internal Iliac Artery 

The internal iliac artery is the smaller terminal branch of the common iliac artery. It provisions the pelvic walls, external genitalia, pelvic viscera, perineum, buttock, and medial part of the thigh. The anterior division of the internal iliac artery is the iliolumbar artery, lateral sacral artery, gluteal (superior and inferior) arteries, (internal) pudendal artery, inferior vesical (vaginal in females) artery, and superior vesical artery, middle rectal artery, vaginal artery, obturator artery, umbilical artery, and uterine artery.  

Remember the internal iliac artery branches with this fun mnemonic: ILike Going Places In My Very Own Underwear! 

Distinguish Coral Snake or King Snake 

Coral snakes are vibrantly colored, small, and highly venomous snakes. On the other hand, Kingsnakes are nonvenomous colubrid snakes. There are 16 classes of Old-World coral snakes in three genera and over 65 recognized New World coral snakes’ classes in two genera. Kingsnakes belong to the genus Lampropeltis that involves milk snakes and four other species. 

Distinguishing them based on their color patterns could be difficult. A mnemonic can make it easier for you: Red on black, venom lack; red on yellow, kill a fellow. 

Human Genetic Disorders 

One or more abnormalities mainly cause a genetic disorder in the human genomes. Various genetic disorders and new genetic disorders are continuously being defined in the medical literature. Some common human genetic diseases are Alkaptonuria, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Thalassemia, Phenylketonuria, Cystic Fibrosis.

The useful mnemonic suggestions to remember them is: Alka Sick Thi Phenyl Pine Ce

Phases of Embryonic Development 

Embryonic development is also known as embryogenesis. It defines as the development of an animal or plant embryo. Embryonic development begins with the fertilization of an egg cell (ovum) by a sperm cell, (spermatozoon). The phases of embryonic development are:

Zygote, Morula, Blastula, Gastrula, Neurla.

You can remember the phases through this fun mnemonic: Zara and Michael are Big Gaming Nerds.

Final Thoughts 

This list of useful mnemonics suggestions for biology is just an example of creative learning. This will help you make your difficult topics, chapters, and concepts more fun and worth remembering. You can also create your own mnemonics with the most interesting one-liners, phrases, or acronyms. To create your own mnemonics for biology, you just need to select knowledge, use first letters as the raw material for cues., make a strong andstriking phrase, and rephrase them by practicing altering the mnemonic to the content. This quick exam time hack will help you perform better. So, let’s create your mnemonics and make your biology study more and fun and meaningful.   

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