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A Complete Guide to Prepare and Crack NTSE Stage 1

A Complete Guide to Prepare and Crack NTSE Stage 1

Looking for how to crack NTSE Stage 1? Let’s find out NSTE Stage 1 syllabus, exam patterns, and best preparation tips and tricks to ace NSTE Stage 1. 

The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a national-level scholarship-based examination. It is conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). The exam covers diverse areas such as Science, Social Science, Engineering, Medicine, Management, and Law. Let us get through the complete guide on how to crack NTSE. 

The NTSE exam is conducted at two levels: Stage-I (State Level) & Stage-II (National Level). It is bifurcated into the Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The NTSE exam awards and supports talented students by providing a monthly scholarship. The purpose behind this scholarship is to expand higher education in India.  

NTSE Stage 1 – Syllabus 

NTSE Syllabus for Stage 1 is categorised into MAT and SAT. MAT fundamentally tests students’ reasoning power, judgment ability, visualization ability, and spatial orientation. MAT covers 50% of the total weight of the NTSE. To crack this test, students must cover their Class 9th & 10th syllabus of Science, Maths, and Social science. 

NTSE MAT Syllabus 

NTSE MAT Tricks 

NTSE SAT Syllabus 

Scholastic Ability Test, or SAT, is held to test students’ reading power, explanatory, predictive, and creative components of language, logical sequencing, and more. In this test, questions are mostly asked from the curriculum of 9th and 10th standard of the respective state board for NTSE Stage I. Find below the topics covered in the NTSE Stage I paper: 


Social Science:


NTSE Stage 1 – Exam Pattern 

Exam Papers  No. of Questions  Marks  Mode/Question Types  Medium  Duration (Minutes) 
MAT  100  100  Offline/ MCQs  Preferred language  120/ 150 (visually challenged) 
SAT  100 (Science – 40, Social Science – 40, Mathematics – 20)  100  Offline/ MCQs  Preferred language  120/ 150 (visually challenged) 

Crack NTSE Stage 1– A Comprehensive Guide and Tips 

Before starting the preparation of NTSE Stage 1, students must have a thorough understanding of the exam pattern explained by the conducting body. After that, they should sit down to devise a systematic plan for the exam preparation. Below are some effective preparation NTSE tips and NTSE guides. 

Understanding the Exam Pattern 

NTSE Stage 1 candidates must get to know the exam pattern. It includes exam category, marking scheme, number, and types of questions, duration, etc. They also must know the requirements of minimum marks for the NSTE Stage-I exam. For SC/ST candidates, the minimum mark requirement is 32%. For General and other backward candidates, the minimum mark requirement is 40%.  This stage is conducted by the relevant State/Union Territory authority. It is divided into two parts, Mental Ability and Scholastic Aptitude TestCandidates are rewarded 1 mark for each correct answer. There is no negative marking at this stage 

Get Best Preparation Material 

The students willing to prepare for NTSE Stage 1 exam must get the best preparation material. It includes previous years’ question papers, mock test papers, brief notes by coaching institutes, question banks, and NCERT books. They should be well-prepared with the standard syllabus of classes 9 and 10.  

Practice Through Mock Tests 

Through mock tests, students will be able to analyse their knowledge in all subjects. They can also be able to find their strengths and weakness on the topics and start preparation accordingly. Taking mock tests and practising previous years’ question papers will boost candidates’ paper-solving speed and understanding of question types. 

Make Revision Notes 

Students must prepare a strategic note for revision of the topics they studied for NTSE Stage 1. Doing this will help them with a quick understanding of topics just before the exam. This is one of the best ways to get success in the NSTE Stage 1 exam. Students must keep revising their syllabus and prepare concise revision notes.  


While preparing for any competitive exams, self-assessment is of utmost importance to achieve success. Students preparing for the NTSE Stage 1 exam must self-evaluate their knowledge by taking mock tests and solving question banks or previous years’ question papers. It will help them find the slipups that are made while attempting questions. 

Time Management 

Learning effective time management is a key to attain success in life. Preparing for NTSE Stage 1 is also a time management game to score well. To crack NTSE Stage 1, students should prepare a timetable with all activities and the entire syllabus. They must allocate equal time to all the chapters of each subject. They also must include revision notes and interval times. This will help students utilize their time in the best possible manner. 

Best Books for NTSE 

Final Thoughts

Nonetheless, it is to be noted that students need to be perfect in planning their studies strategically. They must pose dedication towards their learning and study well for the exam. It must be noted here that many students appear for this exam without any preparation and waste their opportunity, and time. If you intend to score well, you must study before appearing for this exam. Exams such as NTSE are a gateway to a bright future. You must appear for this exam if you intend to pursue your further studies. The scholarship provided can be a great financial support for your studies, as well as, a great booster to your confidence. So study hard. All the best! 

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