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JEE Main & Advanced Exam Pattern

JEE Main and Advanced Exam Patterns

JEE Main and Advanced Exam Pattern

IIT JEE is a nationwide engineering placement test comprising two phases – JEE Main and Advanced. JEE Main is a screening test to choose the future engineering talents who can show up for JEE Advanced. The latter will help these candidates get into their desired IITs. To achieve all this, it is crucial to clear both JEE Main and Advanced with a high score. 

For this, students take up intensive JEE training each year. Before you begin this preparation, it is a wise idea to familiarize yourself with the IIT JEE Mains and advanced exam patterns. It will help you know how to prepare and what to expect on the exam day. To ease your worries, we are here to tell you about the same. 

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A Brief Overview of the JEE Main and Advanced Exam Patterns 

A few years back, students could give several engineering exams to get into an engineering college in India. Typically, each state had its separate engineering entrance test to assign college seats to candidates. For the top universities and the NITs, there was a test known as the AIEEE exam. 

The number of tests did not stop there. Any student who wants to take admission to a course in the IITs has to appear for a separate exam – IIT-Joint Entrance Examination. With the boards in the picture, these all exams led to only complications for kids. To simplify things, all of these engineering exams are unified under one umbrella. 

Thus, after 2003, students had to give only a single exam for almost all engineering colleges out there. This unified test takes place in two stages – IIT JEE Main and IIT JEE Advanced. Let us tell you a bit about them before moving on to the Advanced and JEE mains exam pattern. 

The IIT JEE Main Exam Pattern 

If you want to get admissions in NITs and other government engineering colleges in the country, the exam you need to give is the JEE Main exam. It is also a crucial paper for those who want to give the JEE advanced paper. This year, this exam will take place in four sessions. Students can fill a single application form for all these sessions (February, March, April, and May) and pay the fee accordingly. 

The IIT JEE Advanced Exam Pattern 

The candidates whose JEE-main total marks meet the desired cut-off can sit in the JEE advanced exam. This exam is quite tough, and your score in it will determine if you can get into one of the top IITs of our country. 

Explanation of the JEE Main ad Advanced Exam Patterns 

Here is all IIT JEE aspirants need to know about the exam pattern for both these papers. Let us start with the JEE main Exam pattern: 

JEE Main 2021 Exam pattern 

For each of the JEE main sessions this year, the paper pattern is as follows: 

JEE Main Paper 1 Exam Pattern 

This paper has objective-type questions. All of these are from Physics, Chemistry, and Math. The marking scheme for paper – I (B.E/B. Tech) is given below: 

This subject has 30 questions, out of which there are 20 MCQs and ten numerical problems. Candidates only have to answer 5 of these numerical problems. The 20 MCQs and 5 Numerical problems carry 100 marks in total. 

Like Physics, Chemistry, too, has 20 MCQs and ten numerical problems. Again, you only have to answer five numerical problems making the total 100. 

Math follows the same mark distribution as Physics and Chemistry. Thus, there are 20 MCQs and 10 Numerical problems in this part too. 

In total, there are 60 MCQs and 15 Numerical Questions. It makes paper 1 of 300 marks. Students have to complete all these in 3 hours. This time is 4 hours for anyone with Benchmark Disabilities. 

JEE Main Paper 2 Exam Pattern 

Now, let us talk about the exam pattern for JEE Main Paper-II. This paper tests candidates on their aptitude, mathematics knowledge, and drawing skills. It is of 400 marks, and you can find its marking scheme as follows: 

For B. Arch 

This subject has 20 MCQs and 5 Numerical Questions. All these 25 questions carry a total of 100 marks. 

This section of the paper has 50 MCQs and carries 200 marks. 

This part has only two questions, and it carries 100 marks making the total for the whole paper two 400 with 77 questions. 

For B. Plan 

In case of this, Maths and the Aptitude Test has the same marking scheme as the above. While for the Planning Test, there are 25 MCQs, and this section is 100 marks. All of this makes the total number of questions in the paper 100, and it is 400 marks. 

Further, for both B. Arch and B. Plan exams, students, will get 3.5 hours to complete them. 

JEE Advanced 2021 Exam pattern 

If you are wondering what is paper 1 and paper 2 in JEE advance, this part is for you. The exam has two compulsory papers known as paper 1 and paper 2. In each of these, questions are from Physics, Chemistry, and Math. For the JEE advanced paper 1, the paper pattern is as follows: 

JEE Advanced Paper 1 Exam Pattern 

The paper has the following kind of questions: 

These are 6 in total. Each of them carries three marks, each making a total of 18 marks. 

The questions where one or more options can be correct are again 6 in number. These carry four marks, each making the total marks 24. 

These, again, are 6 in total. Each of them carries four marks. This makes the maximum marks for these 24, just like the previous kind of questions. 

JEE Advanced Paper 2 Exam Pattern 

Paper 2 has the following kind of questions: 

The type of questions is again 6 in number. These carry four marks each, and the total mark for them is 24. 

The Numerical type of questions, again, are 6 in total. Further, each of them carries four marks each. This makes the maximum marks for these 24, just like the previous kind of questions. 

Like in paper 1, these are 6 in number and carry a total of 18 marks. 

The JEE advanced total marks for papers one and two are 306. Here, each paper carries a total of 183 marks. To qualify for this exam, candidates will have to crack both papers. Please note that this paper has negative markings too. 

Final Thoughts 

So, this is all you need to know about the JEE Mains and advanced exam patterns. Knowing this pattern is quite crucial if you wish to prepare for the exam the right way. However, before that, make sure you clear the JEE main exam and meet the qualifying score. Only if you do so can you appear for advanced papers 1 and 2. Also, make sure to get a top rank in the exam if you wish to get into your desired engineering college or institution. 

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