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NEET 2021 Result, Score Card & Calculation

NEET 2021 Exam Results, Updates, News for Medical Aspirants

The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is an annual exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). This entrance exam allows candidates to secure a position in reputed medical colleges and study their preferred degrees. Based on the NTA NEET results, students seek admission in colleges throughout the nation, like AIIMS, New Delhi, JIPMER, and others. 

The date range of filling the application is decided by the NTA and conveyed to students through NEET 2021 exam live updates. After filling up the form, the candidate appears for the exam offline. The paper consists of 180 MCQs from 3 subjects- Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The duration of the exam is 3 hours. 

After the exam is conducted, a provisional answer key is released to help candidates get a rough idea of their score. This answer key is also used to evaluate the final NEET 2021 exam answer sheets and mark students. 

Within a month, the final NEET 2021 exam result is announced. NEET 2021 exam live updates keep candidates posted on the date of results. These results are made available on the official NTA site and can be accessed by the candidate at any time. 

NTA NEET 2021 Exam Result 

The marking scheme followed by NTA in NEET 2021 exam is as follows: 

Total score = (Total number of correct answers * 4) – (Total number of incorrect answers * 1) 

NEET cut-off is the minimum qualifying marks required to move forward in the admission process. These cut-off marks differ across categories and are calculated based on various factors. This cut-off is announced with the declaration of NEET results online. Aspirants will be able to check the cut-off after the result of the NEET exam. 


In 2020, the cut-off result of the NEET exam for various categories was as follows:  

NEET 2019 cut-off :

Category  Minimum Qualifying Percentile  Cut-off Marks  No. of Qualified Candidates 
Unreserved (UR)  50th Percentile  701-134  7,04,335 
Unreserved PH (UR-PH)  45th Percentile  133-120  266 
Scheduled Tribe (ST)  40th Percentile  133-107  8,455 
Scheduled Caste (SC)  40th Percentile  133-107  20,009 
Other Backward Classes (OBC)  40th Percentile  133-107  63,789 
ST-PH  40th Percentile  133-107  14 
SC-PH  40th Percentile  133-107  32 
OBC-PH  40th Percentile  133-107  142 

Qualifying marks for NEET examination: 

NEET Merit List 

After the result declaration, a merit list is declared as per the directives of the Supreme Court of India, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Medical Council of India (MCI), and Dental Council of India (DCI). The features of this list are as follows: 

NEET Result Statistics of Qualified Candidates (in 2020) :

Toppers of NEET 2020 Examination :

AIR Rank  Candidate’s Name  Gender  Category  Marks obtained  Percentile Score  State 
1  Soyeb Aftab  Male  UR  720  99.9998537  Odisha 
2  Akanksha Singh  Female  UR  720  99.9998537  Delhi 
3  Tummala Snikitha  Female  UR  715  99.9995611  Telangana 
4  Vineet Sharma  Male  UR  715  99.9995611  Rajasthan 
5  Amrisha Khaitan  Female  UR  715  99.9995611  Haryana 
6  Guthi Chaitanya Sindhu  Female  UR  715  99.9995611  Andhra Pradesh 
7  Satwik Godara  Male  UR  711  99.9994879  Haryana 
8  Srijan R  Male  OBC (NC)  710  99.9985369  Tamil Nadu 
9  Karthik Reddy  Male  UR  710  99.9985369  Karnataka 
10  Matravadia Maanit  Male  UR  710  99.9985369  Gujarat 

NEET 2021 Exam Rank List :

At the NEET result time, the rank list is prepared based on the marks scored in the NEET examination. This rank list is the basis of students getting admission to various colleges in different courses. However, if students obtain the same marks in the examination, then the following methods are used to break the tie:

NEET Score Card :

Candidates who appear for NEET 2021 exam can visit to check their results. The National Testing Agency (NTA) announces the results of the NEET 2021 exam on its official website. When it’s NEET result time, the news is usually announced in newspapers in advance or on the same date. After that, this is the process of how to check NEET results: 

The scorecard includes the following details: 

How to check NEET result scorecard 2021? 

The major things you should notice in your NEET 2021 scorecard are: 

Final Thoughts 

The NEET 2021 exam date has already been released by the NTA. Besides, the NEET 2020 results are also out. Candidates who appeared for NEET 2020 can check their results on the official website.  

Those who are planning to sit for 2021 will have to put in their best. Devote day and night into your NEET preparation, and kickstart your career with your preferred college.

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