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Nurture Young Minds: How to Prepare for NSEJS?

Nurture Young Minds: How to Prepare for NSEJS?

NSEJS is an exam that helps nurture young minds in the science stream. If you want to get success in NSEJS, let’s have a look at how to prepare for NSEJS. 

National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS) is a national-level examination. It is conducted by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT) to find and encourage young talent who have high aptitude in Science. Through this exam, students are selected for the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO). NSEJS is designed only for students studying in Class 10 or below and is conducted at many centres in India. This article will provide the best compelling tips and ideas on how to prepare for NSEJS 

NSEJS tests students’ conceptual understanding, logical reasoning, laboratory skills, and most importantly, problem-solving skills in novel situations, both theoretical and experimental. The main purpose of NSEJS is to select students for IJSO. Top scorers of NSEJS will get a chance to appear in Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO) conducted in January 2022. 

NSEJS 2021 Syllabus 

The IAPT decides the syllabus for NSEJS. The body releases the syllabus on its official website. Students can download the syllabus and know the topics for the exam. Most weightage is given to Physics in this examSo, students who wish to succeed must gradually cover the syllabus.  

NSEJS syllabus covers subjects from the CBSE Class 9th and 10th syllabus. To prepare NSEJS, students should study the topics from the Class 9th and 10th syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics. They can prefer NCERT books for these subjects. 





NSEJS 2021 Exam Pattern 

The IAPT defines the exam pattern of NSEJS. The exam pattern as follows: 

Exam  NSEJS 
Total number of Questions  80 
Maximum Marks  240 
Negative Marks  One mark for each wrong answer 
Type of Questions  MCQs 
Duration  120 Minutes 
Medium  English & Hindi  

 NSEJS 2021 Exam Pattern – Subject Wise Analysis 

Subjects  Number of Questions  Total Marks 
Physics  20  60 
Chemistry  20  60 
Mathematics  20  60 
Biology  20  60 
Total  80  240 

NSEJS Eligibility Criteria 

Before sitting for the exam you must know the eligibility criteria. Each year, the Indian Association of Physics Teachers organizes NSEJS. Candidates who are interested in and eligible can apply for NSEJS applications and sit in the exam. The NSEJS selection process is based on the entrance exam. To appear for NSEJS 2021, a candidate: 

NSEJS 2021 Registration Process 

The NSEJS application process is fully offline. Students can get the NSEJS 2021 Application Form by following the steps given below: 

Step 1: Students will have to locate the closest NSE Centre for the examination in their city/ district. They can find the list of all NSE Centres with their address and contact details. 

Step 2: The Centre Coordinator will provide students with the NSEJS 2021 Application Form. They can then fill the application form and submit it back to the Centre Coordinator before the NSEJS Registration is closed. Students are also supposed to pay a registration fee decided by the conducting body. 

How to Prepare for NSEJS? 

As the NSEJS exam is a national-level exam to sit for the International Junior Science Olympiad, there must be a competition among desired students. Thus, to stand out in the crowd, you must have an adequate NSEJS preparation plan.  Without a proper preparation plan, it is impossible to clear this fiercely competitive exam. Finding syllabus almost similar to their school curriculum, students often sit for the exam without preparation. This will not help students achieve their desired goal. A proper dedicated study plan is required to be made for this competition.  

Get to Know the Syllabus and Exam Pattern 

Before getting yourself involved in NSEJS preparation, you must first get to know the NSEJS syllabus and exam pattern. It includes the number of questions, negative marking, duration, preparation material, etc. After that, you can make an effective study plan and devise strategies to perform well in the exam. 

Prepare a Study Timetable 

To score good marks in NSEJS 2021, students must prepare a proper study timetable that entails the entire NSEJS syllabus. The syllabus of NSEJS is quite identical to class 9th and 10th syllabus. You should make your study plan that can be completed all syllabus at least a month before the exam. This way, you will have extra time for revision of the important topics. 

Make Notes for Revision 

Revision is the ultimate aspect to attain success. Once you studied all topics for NSEJS, you must make a strategic plan to revise those topics. Making revision notes will help you prepare at the last minute. You can make notes of important formulas and concepts so that you can easily revise and retain all important information before entering the examination hall. 

Practice Last Years’ Question Papers 

Practising last years’ question papers or taking mock tests will help you analyse your knowledge on the topics. IAPT releases the question papers and answer keys for the NSEJS exam to help students better for the exam. Students can download the question papers from the IAPT official website. The NSEJS question papers will help you understand the difficulty level of the examination. Solving previous years’ papers will also help you examine your performance and weaker areas to work on them. So, if you never appeared for NSEJS, previous years’ question papers will help you stay aware of the exam level and boost your confidence. 

Test Your Strengths and Weaknesses 

Solving more and more previous years’ question papers or taking mock tests will provide you with a comprehensive view of your strengths and weaker areas. This will let you focus on the topics where preparation is required. If you get to know your weaker points, you can easily look for solutions and work on them. So, practice a lot and turn your weaknesses into opportunities. 

Refer to the Right Study Material 

Since the NSEJS paper is based on Class 11th and 12 curriculums, good command of NCERT books will have advantageous. A thorough reading of NCERT books can give you an edge over other books.  

 Below is the list of best NSEJS books to prepare for NSEJS 2021. 

Final thoughts

The NSEJS exam will help you build a strong foundation in the science stream. Such competitions are a good boost to student’s confidence. They also open new opportunities and help students explore their strengths. Such exams also form a good foundation for IIT-JEE, BITS. These exams also ask questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. For the preparation for exams like IIT-JEE, BITS, a student needs to follow NCERTs. So, clear the concepts well in school as the NSEJS syllabus is based on class 9th and 10th standard curriculums. Moreover, formulate an effective study plan, put extra effort towards the NSEJS preparation, and score well in the NSEJS exam. 

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