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10 Step Study Plan For ACT Test

Dec 21, 2022

Applied for the ACT? Here is the Study Plan  

It’s critical to be prepared for the ACT because it’s perhaps one of the most significant exams you’ll take in high school. How are you meant to choose a course of action when there are so many sources available that promise to meet your test preparation needs? 

This Article about How to Study for the ACT is summarized below. This discusses how to approach the process itself, when to start studying, and where to locate study resources. This article will provide you with a thorough study schedule for the ACT. 


ACT is one of the crucial examinations for high school students to get into the career of their choice by enrolling in top schools.  A lot of students choose either the SAT or ACT to lay a valuable path ahead.  Just like any other competitive examination, ACT needs solid preparation, regular practice tests, and proper time management to excel in the same.

Here is a ten-step study plan for students who are willing to score high on the ACT: 



Customize your Preparation: There is no hard and fast rule to preparing in only one particular way when it comes to ACT. Understand that each individual is different- in terms of learning speed, approach toward exams, and time management. Take a look at various student prep success stories and get the best ideas that would suit your requirement to prepare for the exam.  



Begin the Prep Early: It is always wise to start preparation in much earlier stages, thereby leading to a stress-free mind when the actual exam date comes up. Mostly it takes three months for the student to complete the ACT syllabus- but again, it is subjective to the student’s learning speed.  To get the highest score, academic experts think that they should take at least six months for better results. 



Collect the Right Study Material: With the information overload that we are facing in the world of the Internet and Technology, it is difficult to classify useful material from redundant information. Remember that ACT needs knowledge that is sufficient and simpler- one needn’t have extreme knowledge on the subject- but knowing what to choose and how to apply them in the questions asked. 



Understand the rules: The golden rule to getting the best ACT score is to understand the main principles of the examination. This powers up the preparation quite appealingly, leading to excellence. Try enrolling in an online ACT course for seamless guidance to ace it with ease. 



Practice Tests are your Best Friend: One cannot emphasize more the importance of practice tests in the ACT. The more tests the student succeeds to do, the greater the chance to ace the exam with an admirable score. There is an ample number of options online to choose practice tests and work on them until you are confident about the examination.  



Learn from the Practice Test Results: Practice tests give a lot of strong feedback about how the student is performing and their strengths and weaknesses. After every practice test, take time to evaluate and reflect on the exam performance. This brings out many important insights on how to prepare better and alter the approach toward the exam. 


Set Realistic Goals: The biggest mistake students make is to aim too high without realizing their abilities- that might lead to big disappointment when failed. It is always good to set realistic goals that are easily attainable- and slowly increase the difficulty level based on the progress. Realistic goals will make the student confident and focused on the examination and bring optimism. A thousand miles of the journey starts with a single step- this is the golden rule to remember during ACT prep. 


Choose the Tools wisely: The right tools are the resources that help you to score better in the exam. The best way is to rely on the official website for the sources to get a solid understanding of the exam. Take up an online prep course that can be a remarkable tool for success. Going for a one-on-one ACT course such as Turito will give the student ample individual attention from the tutor and also cruise along with the preparation journey quite effortlessly. 


Give Self-Care a Priority: Personal well-being and health are quite important to smoothly prepare for the ACT.  This will strengthen the student’s abilities to use them swiftly to get better results. 

STEP 10:

Attain Deeper Focus on Subjects: Instead of accumulating too much knowledge. ACT prep needs a deeper understanding of the topics that are already familiar and polishing the preparation with full focus.  Gathering too much knowledge leads to confusion and eventually leads to detrimental results.  

Subject- Related Tips for the ACT: 

  • Tips for the English Language:  ACT tests many aspects of English that including grammar and non-grammar skills.  Identify the questions based on various aspects of English to attain proficiency. 
  • Tips for Reading:  The ACT exam doesn’t demand passages at length or memorizing facts and learning new ideas.  Using a strategic approach to reading will greatly help in Reading Comprehension.  Practice focused reading where one can extract facts that can help to answer the exam questions. 
  • Tips for Math:  Mathematics is all about getting the fundamentals in the right manner. Master the fundamentals initially to gain confidence, Make a list of algebraic equations, geometric formulae,  fractions, percentages, and linear equations. The key to a successful score in ACT Math score is to focus on the basics well initially.  

Final Note: 

The ACT exam might look overwhelming in the initial stages but the right planning, test practices, and perfect time management can make the road easy to higher scores. The aforementioned tips and tricks will help the students quite well to get higher ACT scores.  The subject-related study also becomes crucial when it comes to ACT prep.  

Making customized notes, study material, and planning for a solid of 3-6 months will get resourceful results in the ACT exam. Following the simple tips that would exclusively work for an individual will make the preparation even easier.  

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. How Important are ACT Scores? 

A: Different schools give different weights to ACT scores. Your high school GPA, academic record, letters of recommendation, interviews, and personal essays are additional crucial considerations for admissions officers. Additionally, the majority of American colleges and universities accept SAT results instead of ACT scores. Get in touch with the admissions offices of the colleges you’re applying to for further details on how important ACT scores are there. 

Q2. How to Register for the ACT test? 

A: Five weeks before each test date, registration deadlines are set. Your school counselor can provide you with registration materials, or you can get a registration packet by calling ACT, Inc. at 319-337-1270. Additionally, offers an online registration option. 

Q3. How long is the ACT examination? 

A: The entire testing period, including the optional 40-minute Writing Test, is 3 hours and 40 minutes, however, the actual testing time is 2 hours and 55 minutes. 



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