Why choose 1-on-1 tutoring by Turito?
Thoroughly vetted tutors
Selected from the top talent pool
Personalized learning approach That fits ever students’ requirements
Undivided attention With 1:1 interaction in live classes
A classroom tailor-made for you
Master subjects with our experts
Onboarded from the top talent pool, our tutors are gifted & dedicated subject matter experts. Securing a high comfort level among learners, they ensure 100% engagement.
Keeping track got easier
Our Parent App is designed to track the progress pulse. It keeps weekly & monthly records of student attendance, lectures taken/pending, subjects completed & progress summary.
Instant, interactive, innovative
We don't believe in boring classrooms. Coupled with whiteboards, 3D models & simulations, our tutors deliver an interactive virtual experience.
You learn your way
Every child is different & at Turito, our experts understand that. They provide a personalized learning plan that fits individual students’ requirements.
Discover Your Learning Level in just 20 mins
Select a subject or test and Take our FREE tests to identify your strengths and weaknesses, set goals for your learning, and track your progress over time.

Holistic development of our students
Happier learning
Our students perceive lessons better. They are proactive, confident, participative & comfortable. Learners are inclined to study & always excited for the next class.
Evolving knowledge
Our program enhances the intellect of students. We will work with you to develop better cognitive skills & help build a strong foundation.
How do our classes work?
Test us
Book a free demo & join 1-on-1 online class with our expert teacher.
Attend live class
Experience immersive classes while our expert understands your learning patterns
Customized learning plan
Get insights into your grey areas & craft a personalized plan.
Begin your academic journey with Turito
Set on an academic journey at a pace that fits you like a glove.
Know your perks!

Turito is right for you, here’s why…
We love teaching. Rest assured your future is in safe hands with Turito. Our methodology is student-driven, our teachers make the learning journey fun and engaging from the start.
Hedging your bets? Try a free class.