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ACT : Key Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Mar 6, 2025

Want to study in one of the leading colleges in the United States of America or any other international university? Various exams can get you there, including American College Testing or ACT. ACT Key Strategies It can get you admission into the top universities and also help you figure out which course to enroll in. 

If you think this is like any other test you take in high school, think again. The trick to ACT test preparation lies in following a smart strategy. It is all about time management and making the best use of the available official resources. 


Getting ready for your ACT? Learn some tips that can help in acing the test. 

Understanding ACT – Important Changes in Exam Pattern in 2025

The ACT Exam helps universities to understand how ready a student is to deal with college academics. This is crucial, especially if you are looking for admission to leading universities around the world. 


In 2025, the ACT exam pattern has been changed to align with the current education trends. More focus is now given to analytical skills and critical thinking. Here are the latest updates you should know: 

  • Reduced Test Time

The earlier ACT exam was 195 minutes long. In 2025, the test time is reduced to 125 minutes for the national test. Note that this is the time limit for the mandatory sections – Mathematics, English, and Reading. This means you will receive your composite score at the end of 125 minutes. 

  • Lesser Questions in Every Section

The number of questions in the ACT has been reduced, too. Now, you are expected to answer 44 lesser questions. Thus, you will have more time to think and analyze the answer to each query. 

  • Fewer Choices in MCQs

While attempting Mathematics, you had to initially choose the right answer from 5 choices. In 2025, this has been brought down to 4. Hence, the probability of selecting a wrong choice is lower. 

  • Science Made Optional

In ACT 2025, it is no longer mandatory to attempt the Science section, just like the Writing section. If you choose to attempt it, you will get two separate scores – Science Score and STEM Score (Maths+Science). Your composite score will include only Mathematics, English, and Reading. 

Know the Exam Structure for Effective ACT Test Preparation

Preparing for the ACT can be nerve-wracking and requires a lot of planning. Understanding the latest exam pattern can help you to strategize your study time in a better way. Here’s a breakdown of the upcoming test: 

SectionNumber of QuestionsTime Allotted (in minutes)Focusing On
English50 (10 field test questions)35Grammar, Punctuation, Sentence Structure
Mathematics45 (4 field test questions)50Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry
Reading36 (9 field test questions)40Reading Comprehension, Analysis
Science (Optional)40 (6 field test questions)40Interpretation, Analysis, Evaluation
Writing (Optional)1 essay40Essay Writing, Coherence, Argumentation

ACT Test Preparation Tips: Tried and Tested Strategies

Acing ACT can get you admission into the best colleges in the USA or other countries. But it all comes down to how you prepare for the exam. Here are some ACT study tips shared by students who nailed it: 

  • Understand the Pattern

The exam pattern keeps changing according to the education trends. Hence, before you start ACT test preparation, visit their official website to check the pattern. In 2025, there are some important changes in the test format. This helps you understand the weightage for each section and which to focus on more. 

  • Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Solve some ACT practice papers. This will give you an idea about which sections you are comfortable solving and where you need to put in more effort. Accordingly, design a schedule for ACT test preparation, allocating more time for the subjects you should work on. 

  • Have Some Realistic Goals

As you prepare for the ACT, you might have some universities in mind. So, check the score needed to get into them and set achievable goals for each section. Try not to pressurize yourself; instead, study with a calm mind. 

  • Gather Study Materials

One of the most important ACT study tips that everyone swears by is to collect enough material for reference. This includes books, online resources, and sufficient practice tests. This will give you a good idea about the different types of questions that may be asked in the test. 

  • Focus on Your Weaknesses

During ACT test preparation, make sure that you spend some extra time improving the sections you are weak in. Try to solve more questions that you find difficult. However, do not lose sight of the parts you find comparatively easy. 

  • Regular Practice is a Must

Practice makes perfect, and this holds true for ACT, too. So, set aside some time every day to solve practice questions. Further, time the practice sessions when you solve question papers to learn how to manage your time better. 

  • Learn Some Test Strategies

While time management is an important strategy you must follow during ACT, along with methods of elimination or smart guessing. With these, you can take the test more efficiently and also score better. 


ACT test preparation cannot be completed in a day. So, start early, create a timetable, practice, and improve. Also, stay updated about the changes that the examination authorities may introduce. If you put these ACT study tips to optimum use, be assured of securing a high score on the test. All the best.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I improve my score in the Reading section?

Go through different materials to improve your reading skills. Additionally, try to come up with better techniques for comprehension. Learn to scan the section quickly to collect important data and concepts. Use this information to answer the questions. Taking some timed tests can help you improve your score. 

How can I manage time better during ACT?

Time your practice tests during preparation. This will give you a fair idea about how to pace yourself. To monitor your progress during the exam, wear a watch. If you get stuck on a question, leave it and move on to the next one. 

When should I start preparing for the ACT? 

Ideally, students start their ACT test preparation at least 1-2 months before the exam. However, if you are not comfortable with certain sections, start preparing earlier. 

ACT Key Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve


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