NAPLAN is a test given to all students in grades 3, 5, 7, and 9 once a year. The Australian government conducts this test, an assessment of their student’s performance in reading, writing, and numeracy skills.
The test has become more stressful than it used to be because of its increased scope. Most schools should administer NAPLAN tests to all students. Although many schools might not be able to handle this task, they have to do so as per their state and federal governments. Thus NAPLAN has resulted in more stress on the teaching staff. They have to handle this issue very carefully so they do not get into trouble with their superiors or even the board of governors if they fail to perform their duties properly. Moreover, parents must take care of their child’s yearly NAPLAN scores and their improvement and cope with national standards.
So, we can say that NAPLAN has also created anxiety in parents, along with students and their teachers. Parents are worried about their child’s performance, teachers are anxious about how their students will fare against other schools, and students are preoccupied with how they will perform in the test.
The NAPLAN anxiety for parents can be intense. So parents must know what to do to reduce this stress on themselves NAPLAN anxiety in parents. And the anxiety of NAPLAN for parents is natural, increasing yearly.
Following are some tips to reduce NAPLAN anxiety during NAPLAN for parents:
- Please discuss with the Child: Talk with the child about tests and exams. Moreover, ask them about what they are feeling. Let them know what to anticipate and how to prepare for the test. Ask them if they feel nervous or anxious before taking the test, and make sure they understand their parents are there for them in any way they need.
- Do not impose unrealistic expectations on the child: As a parent, never compare one child’s performance with others. The mistake that most parents and educators commit is comparing the scorecards and creating more stress on those little minds to push themselves more. The child will feel insecure by doing so and starts doubting their self ability. Just encourage them to do better, and support them in what they do.
- Practice is the key: Practice test-taking skills like reading, writing, and Mathematics. Practice makes perfect! However, do not overdo it—there is no need to memorize every word on the page or recite every number in your head! Be prepared with a list of important information that you think your child should know before they sit down to take the test. This may include vocabulary words, number facts, or even names of famous people or places—it depends on what type of questions will be asked on the exam paper itself! Parents may also want to suggest strategies they could use if they get stuck during testing. For example, if they have trouble writing down their answers in order (or following instructions), suggest that they write.
- Data analysis: Check the child’s report cards and analyze them regularly. So that you know what are your child’s areas of improvement and how to train him better for the following tests. Parents can access NAPLAN data for their child through their school’s student record system or by contacting their child’s school directly.
- Rewards: Ask children to suggest family-friendly activities for the weekend following NAPLAN; talk about it as a “prize” for your child’s most significant efforts during the exam. This activity will support a “do your best” attitude toward them and give them something else to ponder and anticipate following NAPLAN week.
- Just study is not done: Provide a distraction or distraction method for the child when they have an exam. This could be a simple task, such as reading a book or playing with toys while waiting for their results. Sit and play along with your child. It helps in reducing NAPLAN anxiety in children and parents also.
- Encourage them to take breaks: Encourage your child to take breaks from studying during the test by offering them breaks between questions or after each section is completed so that they don’t get stressed out from having too much information at once!
Benefits of NAPLAN:
Parents, who are just taking NAPLAN as an extra burden, must see the other side of it. Anxiety or the stress it gives is a short time impact. However, it has plenty of benefits and positive effects in benefits of NAPLAN tests as below.
- NAPLAN can be beneficial for your child’s overall skills growth and helps them in the future prospective.
- It enhances their self-confidence level, which is a must thing for a child.
- It gives a better understanding of their learning styles. And will help your child get a good start in life.
- It’ll allow them to develop a wide range of skills, including those that are needed for work and life.
NAPLAN anxiety is something that is becoming more and more prevalent in Australia. The fear of not being able to cope with the pressure of this test has caused many parents to put their children under stress, which can lead to them feeling anxious or depressed. The most effective means for parents to support their kids develop coping strategies for this type of anxiety is by learning about what causes it and how to deal with it.
It is also important to remember that this is a test of knowledge, not just skill. The more they know about their subject area, the better they will do on the test.

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