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How to Calculate PSAT Score?- Scaled and Raw

Dec 30, 2021

Do you know how to calculate PSAT scores? If you are having trouble calculating your PSAT score, you can benefit from using a PSAT score calculator. We provide step-by-step directions on how to calculate PSAT scores. We will look at how the PSAT is graded and what “equating” implies. After that, you will understand how to use a PSAT score calculator.

How is PSAT scored?

The PSAT is graded on a 10-point scale from 320 to 1520. The sum of your Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) section becomes your overall PSAT score. Each of these two sections is graded on a scale of 160 to 760, which is half of the overall score range. The amount of questions you answered correctly is your raw score. So. your basic Reading score would be 50 if you answered 50 Reading questions correctly.


Then, your raw scores for Math, Reading, Writing, and Language are turned into final scaled results using a specific equating method. The College Board employs equating to adjust for minor changes in test difficulty. It also ensures that a scaled PSAT score always reflects the same level of aptitude regardless of the exam. This means that raw results on multiple PSATs will not always convert to the same scaled scores.

PSAT score Calculator

The curves of over ten previously released PSAT examinations have been examined to provide the most accurate score prediction. The whole range of scaled scores over all the curves is generated for each given raw score, along with the proportion of times each one has appeared in the past. The math calculator and the reading and writing calculator will contribute to your overall score out of 1520. The individual reading and writing calculators can be considered subscores are contributing to the comprehensive reading and writing score.


How to calculate PSAT scores: Scaled and Raw

Follow the following steps to know how to calculate PSAT scores:

Step 1: Calculate the raw scores: PSAT raw scores are pretty simple to determine. Remember that your raw score equals the number of right answers you received. Put another way, the greatest raw score you can get on a section equals the number of questions in that part. The only region with two subsections is Mathematics: “No Calculator” and “Calculator,” each with its raw score range.

  • Raw Scores: Your basic Reading score will be 47 points out of 100. Add up all of the right answers on the Reading part of your practice exam using the answer key to determine your raw Reading score. If you miss 13 questions on the Reading portion, your basic Reading score would be 34.
  • Raw Language and Writing score: Your basic Writing score will be 44 points out of 100. To determine your raw writing score, tally up all of your right answers on your test’s answer key one again.
  • Math Raw score: Math is separated into two portions, as previously stated: “No Calculator” and “Calculator.” This means you will get two basic Math scores, merged later to give you a final raw Math score. On Math “No-Calculator,” you can get a maximum of 17 points. But, on “Math Calculator,” you may earn a maximum of 31 points. As a result, you can score up to 48 points in Math. Add your correct answers in the “No Calculator” and “Calculator” subsections to get your basic Math score. So your Math raw scores would be 12 and 23, respectively, if your missed 5 points on “No Calculator” and 8 points on “Calculator.”

Step 2: Convert to Scaled Scores
The final section scores on the PSAT are “scaled” or “equated” scores. On a range of 160 to 760, these scores contribute to half of your overall PSAT score. As previously mentioned, because of variances in equating methods, raw-score-to-scaled-score conversions vary slightly with each PSAT.

  • Score in the Math Section: To begin, use the procedure mentioned above to calculate your overall raw Math score. This score will be based on a scale of 48 points. Then, on your practice test’s raw score conversion table, search for the “Raw Score” and “Math Section Score” columns. Remember that conversion tables differ significantly between tests. So a raw Math score on one exam may not convert to the same scaled Math score on another. Match your raw score to the matching Math section score to convert your score.
  • Score in the EBRW Section: A few more procedures are required to calculate your EBRW section score. Begin by computing your raw Reading and Writing scores, just like you did when calculating your Math section score. These will be out of 47 and 44 points, respectively. Then, using the raw score conversion table from your practice exam, check for your scaled Reading and Writing scores. To ascertain your Reading and Writing exam results, scroll over to the relevant column and see your raw scores for each part. These are not your final section scores, even if they are scaled. Unlike the PSAT section scores, which range from 160 to 760, test scores have a considerably narrower range of 8 to 38.

Step 3: Add everything together for a total score
After getting your Reading and Writing exam results, add them together to receive a total EBRW test score on a scale of 16 to 76. To get your scaled EBRW score, multiply this total number by ten.


How to calculate PSAT Subscore?

You can calculate your subscores and cross-test scores in addition to your raw and scaled scores. These supplementary PSAT scores provide an in-depth analysis of your performance in specific topic areas and question types. To figure out your subscores, start by looking up your raw scores for each of the subscore categories listed below:

● Data analysis and problem-solving
Heart of Algebra
● Passport to Advanced Math


● Words in Context
● Expression of Ideas
● Command of Evidence
● Standard English Conventions

Add up your correct answers using the answer keys for Math and EBRW. Then, using your scoring guide, figure out which of your test’s questions fall into which subscore categories. Once you get your seven raw subscores, convert them to scaled subscores using the raw score conversion chart for subscores provided by your test. A scale of 1-15 is used for all scaled subscores.


What is a PSAT index score calculator? Steps to Calculate National Merit Selection Index?

Refer to the following PSAT index score calculator:
1. Calculate and find your reading and writing scores: Calculate your raw reading and writing scores, and then use your raw score conversion chart to convert your raw results into scaled test scores on a scale of 8-38.


2. Find your math test score: Unlike your Reading and Writing scores, your math test score does not appear on a conversion table. So, how do you calculate this score? First, compare your raw Math score to the scaled score on your conversion table to obtain your Math section score. Then divide your Math section score by 20 to get your Math exam score.

3. Add all of your test scores: Add all your Reading, Writing, and Math test results together. On a scale of 24-114, this will give you a total PSAT test score.

4. Take your overall test score and multiply it by two: Finally, to get your Selection Index, multiply your overall PSAT test score by two. The Selection Index score range is 48-228.

If you wish to be considered for a scholarship, you will need a high selection index to qualify for National Merit in your state. These Selection Index cutoff scores range from 209 to 222.

What Are the Implications of calculating PSAT Score?

Using conversion tables as a PSAT score calculator helps you get a general sense of how many questions you need to get a specific scaled PSAT score. If you have a target PSAT score in mind, you may predict how many right answers you will need on test day using raw score conversion tables from official PSAT practice exams.

These PSAT scores have all been scaled or equated. Your PSAT results will begin as raw scores based on how many questions you successfully answered. Your raw results are then adjusted using a unique equating algorithm designed specifically for your test. Use raw score conversion tables for official PSAT practice exams to convert your raw results into scaled scores (or vice versa).

PSAT results are not utilized in college applications. But, recognition via the National Merit Scholarship program can help you stand out and win your scholarship money. PSATs are also a good predictor of how you will do on standardized exams. A close look at your score report will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Preparing for the SAT is a time-consuming and stressful process. Your PSAT results may utilize to forecast your SAT score and direct your studies. Use your anticipated SAT score as a starting point, discover areas for improvement, and find that you can consistently raise your score.



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