Many students relate the phrase “SAT” with vocabulary. But is good language important to pass the examination? In a way, yes. It can help the candidates get good marks in the SAT exam. Thus, investing some time in vocab learning is important for better academic communication. There are many vocabulary words in the dictionary. But here is a list of top SAT vocabulary words that candidates can refer to.
Unlock your full potential and ace the SAT exam with Turito Academy! We have a treasure of valuable resources, including a curated list of SAT vocabulary words that are crucial for acing the exam’s verbal section. If you’re aiming for a perfect score or looking to improve your language skills, our content is designed by experts and our personalized study plans cater to your unique needs. Don’t miss out on the chance to enhance your SAT performance and achieve your academic goals with Turito Academy’s exceptional guidance. Visit the website for more details.
Words | Meaning |
Abandon | Give Up |
Abate | Less Intense |
Abet | Encourage |
Accede | Agreeing On A Demand |
Adapt | Adjust |
Adequate | Enough |
Ambivalence | Uncertainty |
Analogous | Parallel |
Anomaly | Oddity |
Expect | Predict |
Antipathy | Hostility |
Apex | Tip |
Apprehension | Anxiety |
Articulate | Fluent |
Artificial | False |
Assertion | Declaration |
Authenticity | Genuine |
Avenue | Path |
Basic | Fundamental |
Bear | Support |
Berate | Scold |
Bias | Partiality |
Bittersweet | Partly bitter or sweet |
Boost | Increase |
Bovine | Relating To Cattle |
Braggart | A Person Who Boasts About Achievements |
Brawl | Fight |
Brevity | Shortness |
Burnish | Polish |
Cacophony | Harsh Mixture Of Sounds |
Candid | Frank |
Capture | Catch |
Catalyst | Substance That Leads To Chemical Reaction Increase |
Cache | Collection Of Similar Items |
Censorious | Critical Of Others |
Clout | Smack |
Coincide | Occur |
Commission | An Offer |
Comparable | Similar |
Competent | Capable |
Complacent | Self-satisfied |
Concede | Admit |
Conceive | To Produce Something |
Conduct | Manage |
Constitute | Compose |
Course | Route |
Culmination | Climax |
Dearth | Lack |
Deference | Respect |
Demagogue | Rabble-rouser |
Demur | To Object To |
Deplete | Use Over Time |
Desolate | Empty |
Devise | To Come Up With |
Dilemma | Confusion |
Diluvial | Biblical Flood |
Diminish | To Become Small |
Dire | Hopeless |
Disdain | Lack Of Respect |
Dispassionate | No Strong Interest |
Doctrine | Belief |
Effluvia | Harmful Odor |
Eloquent | Expressive Communication Skills |
Eminent | High Position |
Emulate | Match |
Endure | To Withstand |
Entail | To Invoice |
Specify | State |
Epochal | Significant |
Erratic | Deviating From The Norm |
Establish | To Found |
Excel | To Top |
Exploit | To Use For-Profit |
Expound | Present |
Ferocity | Violence |
Flourish | Prosper |
Forcible | Forceful |
Frankly | Directly |
Fundamental | Basic |
Galvanizing | Shock |
Geriatric | Relating To Old People |
Hostile | Aggressive |
Hubris | Excessive Pride |
Impart | Spread |
Impartiality | Unfairness |
Imposition | Forcing |
Indifference | Lack Of Interest |
Indulge | Give Away To |
Importunate | Persistent |
Innovative | Original |
Inversion | Reverse |
Lament | Groan |
Locomotion | Movement |
Malicious | Bitter |
Materialistic | Worldly |
Modest | Humble |
Mawkish | Sentimental |
Novel | Book |
Null | Invalid |
Objectify | Degrade To A Status |
Omnipotent | Supreme |
Onset | Beginning |
Opine | Suggest |
Oust | Expel |
Pandemic | Widespread |
Paramount | Most Important |
Patrician | Aristocrat |
Peculiar | Strange |
Potent | Powerful |
Perish | Fall |
Persecute | Oppress |
Petulant | Peevish |
Pinnacle | Peak |
Pitiable | Deserving Pity |
Plausible | Credible |
Prompt | Give Rise To |
Polyglot | Writing Or Speaking In Many Languages |
Provocative | Infuriating |
Prescribe | Order |
Prestidigitation | Sleight Of Hand |
Prohibit | Banning |
Placid | Tranquil |
Prosecute | Criminal Proceedings Against A Person |
Quantitative | Expressible Amount |
Quirk | Oddity |
Quarry | Mine For Stone |
Ramify | To Split Up Into Branches |
Rancor | Bitterness |
Rarefy | Become Less Solid |
Rash | Reckless |
Raw | Uncooked |
Reapproach | To approach anew |
Reform | Improve |
Refute | Disprove |
Reinforce | Strengthen |
Resilient | Strong |
Revile | Criticize |
Rife | Widespread |
Sanctimonious | Pious |
Satiated | To excess |
Savvy | Sharpness |
Scandalous | Disreputable |
Scorn | Contempt |
Sagacious | Wise |
Scrupulous | Careful |
Sedition | Agitation |
Sacrosanct | Very Holy |
Sentiment | Emotion |
Sheer | Utter |
Sallow | Yellowish |
Simple | Easy |
Sinecure | Soft Option |
Spawn | Offspring In Great Numbers |
Spur | Incentive |
Subordinate | Junior |
Stroke | Strengthen |
Significant | Important |
Subtle | Fine |
Ample | Many |
Surly | Grumpy |
Surmount | Overcome |
Sybarite | Sensualist |
Tactful | Considerate |
Taut | Tight |
Teeming | Be full of |
Temperament | Nature |
Tentative | Approximate |
Terse | Abrupt |
Transparent | Clear |
Tremendous | Extreme |
Trounce | Beat Hollow |
Ubiquitous | Everywhere |
Unadorned | Undecorated |
Undermine | Wear Away |
Unwitting | Unconscious |
Underscore | Line Drawn Under A Word |
Undulate | Surge |
Unilateral | Involving Only One Group Or Community |
Upbraid | Scold |
Unjust | Unfair |
Uproarious | Very funny |
Unmitigated | Absolute |
Unprecedented | Unmatched |
Unveil | Reveal |
Urge | Desire |
Upshot | Outcome |
Usury | Lending Money |
Validate | Prove |
Viability | State Of Being Viable |
Vital | Important |
Venal | Corrupt |
Vow | Oath |
Vital | Essential |
Warrant | Authorization |
Winsome | Appealing |
Wry | Ironic |
Yeoman | Attendant |
Yield | Surrender |
Yowl | Making A Loud Cry |
Zenith | High Point |
How Is Vocabulary Accessed On The SAT?
The SAT question paper has undergone many changes. Before, many questions used to come from the vocabulary. Today, only fewer vocabulary questions appear in the examination. But, learning the SAT vocabulary word list PDF can help the candidate come out with good results.
All SAT terms are tricky and examiners access them in the context of reading passages. Thus, candidates will have to solve more sentences. It is not a compulsion to memorize all the SAT vocabulary words in the PDF. But students can learn from the SAT vocabulary word list PDF to get good results. They can get better results than other students by going through the list.
What Is The Format Of SAT Vocabulary Question?
Few questions will come from the Vocabulary Cartoons II SAT word power PDF. Yet, you can expect roughly seven questions from the Reading section. Candidates will have to match a word with its correct definition. To solve this section, students need to learn the synonyms of words such as “directly”, “hold”, etc. They might also have to pick a word or phrase to clarify the passage. So, read the synonyms of the words mentioned in the Vocabulary Cartoons II SAT word power PDF. This will make your SAT vocabulary words practice more efficient. Also, it will help you get good grades in the section.
Is There Any Vocabulary on the SAT Writing?
Yes, some questions appear from vocabulary on the SAT writing. You will also find vocab questions in the Language and Writing section. This sub-section focuses on transitions, grammar, and tense. But you can also expect to get Precision questions. Only three precision questions appear in the paper. Here, you have to replace SAT vocabulary words with the words in the passage.
What are the 3 Essential Tips To Study SAT Words?
Now that you have a list, you must be wondering how to learn SAT vocabulary words in easy steps. We have mentioned three essential tips to help you understand the SAT vocabulary words.
- Study The Flash Cards Using The Waterfall Method
This is one of the best SAT vocabulary words practice. For this method, make flashcards, i.e., write each word on a card and create a deck. For example, you can write all the Vocabulary Cartoons II SAT word power PDF words and build a separate deck. Now split the deck into 30-50 cards each. Now choose a deck randomly and look at each card. You can create a different pile for “Know” and “Don’t Know” stacks.
Whichever SAT vocabulary words you learn in the process, put them in the “Know” file. Put the others in the “Don’t Know” pile. Repeat this process until all your cards in the “Don’t Know” pile shift to the “Know” pile. Then, repeat the same process before your examination. With this pattern, you will have the best SAT vocabulary words practice. Besides, you will beat the tough questions like a pro.
- Pay More Attention To Unknown Words
Suppose you don’t have enough time to revise the complete Vocabulary Cartoons II SAT word power PDF. You can use our inventory to create a new vocab list with unknown words. You can skip the simpler terms. Concentrate on the ones you’ll have the most trouble remembering. Once you’ve compiled your list, review it using the waterfall approach.
If you don’t like paper flashcards, you can use digital flashcards instead. Several free programs use spaced-repetition software (SRS) to display more challenging cards. So, you can prepare these from online platforms. This will broaden your vocabulary.
- Take SAT Practice Tests
The majority of the SAT vocabulary word list PDF words are from actual SAT practice exams. So, you may put your learning into practice by taking mock tests. After you have studied the SAT vocabulary word list PDF, take the mock test to prepare better. This allows you to check if you understand the meanings of the words. Besides, it will also help you know if you’ll answer the questions in the timed test setting. This way, you can prepare for the actual SAT examination.
How To Make The Best SAT Vocab Flashcards?
You can make your flashcards. For this, you will need 300 blank index cards. You can buy them in various colors at low prices. You can use elastic bands to keep them together. Besides, you can also use binder-clipped flash cards. These flashcards are available in ready-made versions on the market.
To sum up, these are some easy tips on learning SAT vocabulary words and memorizing them all. Vocabulary words don’t play a significant role in the SAT. Yet you’ll almost have some SAT word questions in the Reading and Writing sections. Thus, the SAT vocabulary word practice is essential to pass the exam with good results.
Making flashcards and the waterfall approach is the best SAT vocabulary word practice method. This ensures that you are familiar with the terms in your deck and not skipping any tough ones. But, if you don’t want to create flashcards, there is another way too. You can pick the difficult words and study them. No matter what method you choose, try to cover all the words. This is because all the words from the pdf come from SAT practice tests.

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